Chapter 25

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"Wake up Jenjen, it's time to go to school," Tae said and started pulling my comfortable blanket towards himself. Tae knows I can't sleep without my blanket so this is the best trick to wake me up in the morning - just pull the blanket away from me so that I'll get annoyed and immediately get up from my sleep to yell at that person.

"TAEEEEE. Let me sleep." I said in an angry tone and tried to get my blanket back.

"You need to get up my little sister. Your girlfriend is waiting for you downstairs," he said and chuckled.

"Wait what? My girlfriend? How did you find out? Lili told you?"

"No.. I mean yes she told us this morning but I already got to know about this last night."

"Who told you?" I inquired.

"Jenjen you are dating Lisa Manoban. She's the heartthrob of every single girl in this town. Why do you think I'll not find out about the sweet proposal she made to you yesterday during her big win! That thing is all over social media."

"Someone posted about all this?" I asked. I know all this was hard to believe for me but I shouldn't be surprised, this was bound to happen.

"Yes. I saw the entire proposal video. My sister is a lucky girl, that was really sweet of Lisa to confess her love in front of the entire school," Tae said in a very happy tone. I always knew he wanted both of us to end up together but I never knew he would be so damn happy about it.

He is my brother. Isn't he supposed to act a bit possessive and question me about my girlfriend?

"You seem to be more excited about this relationship than I am, " I said and gave him a hug.

"Ofcourse I am. Lisa is the best girl for you. She loves you like crazy. I'm glad she finally got the balls to confess to you," he said and gave me a tighter hug.

"How are you so sure that she's the best girl for me?"

"That's cause I have seen you both literally grow up together. He has always loved you Jennie. Give her some time and you'll find out how crazy that girl is about you."

"Wow okay. I shall wait to find this out," I said and started walking towards my washroom to get ready for the day.

"Come down fast! Mum has made your favourite cookies today," Tae said while closing the door to my room and heading downstairs.

Tae knows about us now. This means mum and dad know about it too. So do Aunt Chaerin and Uncle Siwon. The next family dinner is going to be awkward I guess. Why do things feel a little weird to me? Nothing has changed right? Lisa is still my bestfriend. Also my girlfriend now. It feels weird calling her my girlfriend. I'm still not used to this thing. I think I'll take some more time to get used to the fact that I finally have a girlfriend now.

All my thoughts are cut by the sudden ringing of my phone. I got out of my washroom to pick it up, the caller ID flashed with the name of Rosé.

Me: "Hey Rosé. What's up?"

Rosé: "I think I'm going to confess to Jisoo today,"

Rosé said in a very nervous tone..

Me: "Is everything alright? Why do you sound like this?"

Rosé: "Last night after you guys left, Jisoo told me she would drop me home. But then.. "

Me: But then what?"

Rosé: "Chahee said she wanted some alone time with Jisoo and asked me to leave. I didn't really like the idea of leaving the two of them together you know."

Me: Okay...and?"

Rosé: "See I like Chahee okay. I have no problem with our friendship but I just don't like the idea of Jisoo spending time with Chahee alone because I know what she feels for Chahee so that thing just scares me. I don't want to lose her,"

Rosé said in a very desperate tone. I could sense the fact that she doesn't want to share Jisoo with anyone.

Me: Then go say the truth. Tell her you were the girl she met during the masquerade ball. Let her know everything and then she can decide what she wants."

Rosé: You sure about this Jennie?"

Me: "I'm hundred percent sure. Now go. Let me get ready. I'll see you at school,"

I said and hung up the call.

The moment I turned around I saw Lisa comfortably sitting on my bed with a huge smile on her face. "That was some great advice you gave to Rosé."

"When did you come in?" I asked and sat right next to her.

"When my girl was busy giving relationship advices to her friend," she said and pulled me closer to her and give me a peck on my lips then she made me sit on her lap.

My girl! That sounds so corny but I like it.

"Do you think I gave the right advice?" I asked to know her opinion on this topic.

"I honestly don't know Nini," she sighed.


"I don't know what's going inside Jisoo's head lately. Let her decide what she wants - Rosé or Chahee."

"I hope she chooses Rosé. She really likes her."

"But she's been in love on Chahee since so long..."

"Chahee doesn't have the slightest idea about Jisoo loving her."

"Well things can change if she finds out about it." She said and I suddenly realized that her point did make sense. Chahee keeps changing guys every month because they never treat her the right way but Jisoo isn't like one of those guys/girls. If she finds out that Jisoo is inlove with her, she could think about giving it a try, after all they have been friends for so long. No one understands Chahee the way Jisoo does. This realization suddenly scared me. Did I gave Rosé the right advice? Should I tell her to not go ahead with her plan?

"Nini I think you should stop overthinking about all this. Rosé will do what she feels is right. Let's stop worrying about them." Lisa said and gave me a kiss on my cheeks.

"But what if Ro--"

"Jennie stop please. I don't want to talk about them right now. They are adults, they'll figure it out. Can we talk about us now please?" She said while making a cute puppy face.

I smiled and gave her a peck on her lips "What about us?"

Before Lisa could give me a reply, the door banged open, and Tae came in exasperated that Lisa and I baffled and I stood up on lisa's lap. "You guys need to stop this lovey-dovey thing and get ready for school."

Oh shit! School. We totally forgot about that.

Lisa got up from the bed and rushed outside. "I'll wait for you in the car Nini. Come fast!"

I started picking my things up in a hurry and then made my way downstairs.

"Mom, I'm getting late. I'll eat those cookies in the evening." I said while giving her a hug.

"Don't forget that we have a party in the evening."

"What party?"

"You'll find out. Come home early. I have already invited all your friends."

"Okay. I'll see you in the evening."

"Bye sweetheart. Have a lovely day at school." she said and gave me a flying kiss.


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