Chapter 34

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"No way! I don't believe you. Did So Hee actually come to the party?" Chahee asked while sipping her mojito.

"Yeah she did. Honestly it felt a bit weird to see Lisa and So Hee together," I confessed.

"We all feel the same way Jennie," Jisoo added.

Those words somehow comforted me. It was good to hear that it's not just me who felt uncomfortable with Lisa and So Hee around but everyone else too.

We had been sitting in this restaurant since two hours but our conversations were never-ending, I hadn't laughed this much in a long time. Looking at all their smiling faces I suddenly realized how badly I treated our friendship the past three years. I didn't try to keep in touch with Chahee, Rosé, or Jisoo even though they kept contacting me all the time. I always took my own sweet time to reply, I used to give them the same excuse that I gave to my family members - I'm sorry, I was caught up with a lot of work.'

My friends should have honestly abandoned me by the way I had treated them instead they were so happy to see me. Rosé almost suffocated me with her bear hug and Jisoo had to literally pull her away from me so that I could breathe.

Once we sat down at the restaurant, they gave me all the updates of their lives. Jisoo and Rosé were finally dating now and the cupid in their love story was Chahee. It sounded implausible to me at first but then they told me how Chahee found out about Rosé's feelings towards Jisoo and she herself took the responsibility of bringing them together. Chahee's whole plan sounded so much fun and I felt content to know that Chahee and Rosé had finally become best friends.

"Are you and Kai actually dating? It was a bit hard for me to believe when Lisa told us that," Rosé asked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry for not telling you all, we wanted to keep it low-key," I said without making eye contact with any of them because I was afraid that they'll find out I'm lying.

Chahee chuckled, "Too bad! I was hoping to flirt with Kai. But now that he's your guy, he's off-limits." I just gave a nervous laugh because I didn't know what to say to that. In my opinion, Kai and Chahee did make a good couple but right now I just need him to be my fake boyfriend in front of Lisa.

"Lisa's reaching in five minutes," Jisoo announced which got me out of my reverie. My heart started beating really fast. I thought she wasn't going to come tonight. With Kai not around, I was scared that I would look weak in front of her. Why did Kai have to be busy today? I'm going to kill him when I meet him next.

"Is So Hee coming too?" Chahee enquired.

Rosé made a sickening face, "I hope not. I don't even know why Lisa likes her if it wasn't for the b-" before she could say something else, Chahee smacked her arm and pointed towards the door indicating Lisa's arrival. Jisoo instantly got up to give her a hug followed by Rosé and Chahee while I just sat on my chair, taking a bite from my delicious lasagna.

"I don't see your boyfriend around," Lisa commented while taking her seat across the table.

I looked up from my plate, "He's busy. He had some work."

"What took you so long? We thought you wouldn't come," Rosé asked.

"I was stuck with some work at the office. Dad's trying to expand the business, so the workload is way too much these days," Lisa replied.

She works with her dad? What about the club she got selected in? What about football?

"Woah! Expansion of business equals more money. You are becoming rich Lisa Manoban," Chahee said.

Lisa laughed. "If everything goes as planned then definitely."

We ordered some more food and stayed in the restaurant for another hour and then decided to leave as it was almost eleven at night. Jisoo and Rosé were going to drop Chahee home so they left after bidding us goodbye. I immediately pulled my phone out and dialed Tae's number because he was my ride home for tonight. The phone kept ringing for a while but he didn't pick up. Did my brother actually forget to pick me up? I'm sure he is sleeping peacefully right now.

"Need a ride home?" I heard Lisa ask from behind.

"No you can leave. Tae is going to come soon," I replied firmly.

She looked at me for a few seconds, a smile spreading across her face. "We both know Tae has forgotten to pick you up tonight. I'm guessing he's probably asleep by now." Even though I hate this girl but every single thing she said was true. Tae did forget to pick me up and is definitely asleep by now.

"Come on Jennie, it's late. I'll drop you home," she said and opened her car door for me.

I stood quietly and contemplated the scene in front of me. Lisa and I alone in a car. Should I really go with her or just book a cab home?

"Jennie. Get in. Now." She said in a stern voice and I don't know what came over me but I quietly got inside her car. She closed my door, walked to the other side of the car, and sat on the driver's seat. "You are still a stubborn kid," she said before starting the car. I didn't reply to her and kept quiet the entire time. We were almost five minutes away from my home when I decided to ask her a question which was bothering me since we were at the restaurant.

"What about football?" I asked out of the blue which surprised her a bit.

"What about it?" She asked as if the topic wasn't of her concern.

"You were selected by a club. You were supposed to play for them. How did you end up leaving your passion for a mundane job at your dad's office?" I asked. Lisa's grip on the steering wheel tightened, it felt like I touched a sensitive issue which she didn't want to talk about.

After a few seconds, she calmed down, gave her usual smile, "My priorities changed. I like the business. I'm making a lot of money. It's fun."

Liar. Football has always been your priority.

"Good for you," I said since I didn't want to call her out for lying to me and just end the topic.

"I loved all your albums by the way. You and Kai make a good duo," she said.

"Yes a lot of people have told us that before," I said and looked out the window to see my home approaching. I searched for my purse which I had kept under the seat and got ready to leave when Lisa called my name. I turned my head towards her and realized she was already looking at me.

"You are happy right?" She asked staring deep into my eyes.

What's wrong with this girl? Is she suddenly concerned about me?

"Yes I am," I said and she nodded her head in return. "I hope you are happy too," I said. It was less of a question but more of a statement because I already knew that she was happy. She is going to marry the love of her life. Why wouldn't she be happy?

"Absolutely," she said with a big smile on her face.

Why does this smile look so fake to me? Maybe I'm just overthinking.

"Great!" I said and made my way out of her car.

"Goodnight Jennie," she said before turning her engine on and leaving in full speed.

I wish someday she calls me Nini instead of Jennie.


𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now