Chapter 44

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"Where's So Hee and Sophie? Are they running late?" Chan enquired the moment he saw me standing alone at the party.

"Sophie's not feeling well so So Hee decided to stay back with her. They aren't joining us tonight," I replied casually while offering him the drink I had saved for him.

"That sucks. You don't look like you want to be at this party," said Chan while taking a sip from his drink.

"I don't. Just doing this for my dad and my father in law."

"Come on Lisa! This is your party. Mr. Han threw this party to celebrate your success," Chan said in an attempt to cheer me up but both of us knew that this was more of a networking party. It's a golden opportunity for my dad and Mr. Han to get to meet some great investors and diversify their business more.

I gave Chan a soft smile and continued devouring my drink until my sight landed on the girl who had just entered the party looking ravishing in her ebony dress. It took me a few minutes to catch my breath because she looked absolutely gorgeous.

"Is that Jennie Kim?" Chan asked pulling me out of my trance. I nodded my head in affirmation and he immediately got up and made his way towards her. Is this guy trying to hit on Jennie? I gulped my entire drink in a second and followed Chan to make sure he didn't end up doing something stupid.

The instant Jennie saw me walking towards her she gave me a sweet smile, but before she could say something, Chan had already held his hand out for a handshake. Jennie looked a bit confused because she didn't know who he was but nevertheless she returned the gesture.

"I'm a big fan of yours." I heard Chan say with a big smile on his face. Jennie grinned and thanked him for the same.

She then looked at me "Hey! You look good tonight." I smiled and gave her a small wink.

"You guys know each other?" Chan enquired.

Jennie nodded her head "Yes since out second grade."

"Wow! That's super cool. I'm going to leave you two to talk then," Chan said and took off to meet some other people at the party.

"Where's Tae and Krystal?" I asked to continue the conversation.

"They are running late. They'll be here in an hour or so," Jennie replied casually. "I don't see So Hee and Sophie either," she added.

"They're not coming tonight," I replied and then we both quietly stood next to each other since we had nothing else to speak about. The silence wasn't awkward but it wasn't something I was enjoying either. I wanted to talk more but I miserably failed at thinking of a common topic of interest. Thankfully after two minutes of being tight-lipped Jennie finally decided to speak, but what she said next was not something I had expected to hear from her mouth.

"Lili I need a pause," she whispered and looked straight into my eyes. Her gaze was enough to tell me that she was one hundred percent serious about this. We did this pause thing' every time we fought. It meant that even though we were fighting at the moment, we should forget about it for a day and instead just be there for the other person.

I wanted to say no at first because being close to her made me weak and I didn't want to end up doing something stupid like last time.

But when I looked at her piercing stare, I knew she wanted me to say yes. She needed me at this moment and I didn't want to break her heart by saying no. Anyway, she will be leaving in a few weeks, this was my only chance to spend some time with her as we used to.

𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now