Chapter 19

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"Lili you can't tell about this to anyone."

"Ohh I'm sorry Nini but I need to tell Jisoo this."

"No you don't."

"I do." She said while grabbing the freshly baked pancakes that Mom made for me.

"I'll kill you if you do Lisa."

"Well, go ahead. But I won't hide anything from my buddy."

"YOU CAN'T TELL HER!" I said in an angry tone and took away the pancake from her hands.

"Give me my pancake back!"

"Not until you promise that you won't tell anyone about this."

"Give it back to me Nini."

"Promise me first."

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"Why are you so annoying?"

"Okay fine. I won't tell her anything."

"That's my baby girl. You can eat these pancakes now."

"Jisoo will find out about this someday you know."

"We will see when that day comes but for now you need to keep your mouth shut."

"Okay. I will. But you can't deny the fact that Rosé and Jisoo will make a cute couple." She said with a big smile.

"Honestly even I feel the same."

"But Jisoo's rooting for a girl who is never going to understand her feelings."

"Let's not even go there Lisa. I'm tired of Chahee's dumbness. I don't know when that girl will understand this."

"Never. Chahee is too busy finding love outside."

"If only she was a little more observant towards Jisoo's feelings." I said and sighed.

"Oh my God! Stop talking like two old people you both." Dad said while entering the hall room with a newspaper in his hand as usual.

"Where you eavesdropping our conversation dad?" I asked.

"I wasn't. You guys were too loud to not be heard."

"Dad! You need to stop eavesdropping our conversation everytime."

"Sweetheart I was just curious okay? I wanted to know why you two were fighting so much."

"We were just talking about Jisoo." Lisa answered.

"Why doesn't Jisoo tell Chahee directly what she feels?" Dad asked.

At this moment I literally felt like laughing because even dad is asking us the same thing which we question each other everytime. But the truth is that only Jisoo has the answer to this question. Only she knows why she's hiding her feelings since such a long time. "Let's go Nini. We are getting late for school." Lisa said while picking up my bag and making her way towards the door.

"Yeah let's go. Bye dad." I said and kissed him on his cheeks.

"Bye Uncle Jiyong." Lisa said while closing the door.

"Bye kids."


The whole day was pretty boring at school except the free English lecture that we got. Lisa was busy practising for her football match so I ended up spending time with Kai again. We decided to go the music room and practice together. Kai promised me that he would teach me how to play the keyboard so I was pretty excited about that.

𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now