Chapter 46

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"I didn't know you were coming," Chan said the moment I entered the party. I grinned looking at him and hugged him tightly. It's been months since I haven't seen this boy but he hasn't changed a bit.

"I wasn't going to but then Sophie slept early so I left her with the nanny and came to celebrate with you guys instead," I retorted and started looking around for some more familiar faces. I spotted my dad standing at the corner with Uncle Siwon and the moment our eyes met, he gave me a big smile and started walking towards me.

"My daughter looks gorgeous as always," he said and pulled me in for a hug.

"You have cleaned up very we'll too," I acknowledged. He then shook hands with Chan.

"Where's Lisa?"

"I am looking for her too," I replied.

"I saw her leaving with Jennie. But I'm not sure where they were headed," Chan answered which immediately changed the colour of my face. I felt a little upset about the fact that I came till here to celebrate with Lisa but she had already left with Jennie. I could feel my tears falling at any moment now so I excused myself and went outside to calm myself a bit.

There were fewer people outside, which was fortunate since I didn't want people to catch me in this state. "Hey, sweety. Are you okay?" I heard my dad's concerned voice from behind. I turned around to see his worrisome face. I wanted to act strong in front of him and pretend as if all this didn't matter to me but the truth is it certainly did. I was deeply fond of Lisa and seeing her mend her relationship with Jennie broke my heart bit by bit. The tears I was trying to hold in since so long suddenly decided to trickle down and I ended up having a break down in front of my dad.

He cupped my face with his hand. "I don't like to see tears in your eyes."

"Dad, it's... It's... Just... I don't know what to do," I blabbed between my tears.

The look on his face abruptly changed from concern to enrage and he asked: "Is Lisa not treating you well sweety?"

"No, it's not that. She always treats me well and I love her for that but at times I think they are still into each other. Why is she engaged to me, if its still inlove with Jennie? I'm so confused. I don't want to lose her, dad. I am so fond of her," I blurted out.

He gave me a soft smile while wiping my tears "How about you go and clean yourself up in the washroom and I'll take care of everything else!"

"But da-"

"I'll make sure Lisa gets here. You don't have to worry about anything," he said sternly which surprised me slightly. I had never seen him like this before. I decided to drop whatever I wanted to say next and quietly made my way to the washroom. Fortunately, the place was empty which gave me some alone time to grasp on everything that's happened since the time I entered this party.

I splashed cold water on my face and stared at my reflection in the mirror which didn't look quite happy. After five minutes of comforting myself, I walked outside to meet dad but heard something which immediately made me stop at my place. I wanted to eavesdrop on his conversation a little more hence I hid behind the pillars.

"I don't care what happens to you but I want that girl dead by tonight."

Who is he talking to?

"What! You are scared because she's a celebrity now? Do you even know who I am? Fine. If you can't do this then I'll make sure I do it myself," he said and stomped away in full speed.

My head was spinning with all the information I had just amassed. I couldn't comprehend whether what I just heard was completely true or was I just imagining things. Is it even possible for my dad to do something so terrible? My feet felt cold recalling the conversation I had just heard. I needed to stop him. I instantly pulled out my phone from my bag and called Lisa. She picked up within seconds. "Where are you?" I inquired.

"I'm right outside the party. Getting in the car and coming home now."

"Lisa, I made a mistake," I said in a panic-stricken voice.

"Is everything alright? Why do you sound like this?"

"Dad's going after Jennie. I said some stuff I shouldn't have. Please follow him and make sure nothing happens t-"

Before I could complete my sentence, she hung up on the call. I put my phone back inside my bag and rushed outside to get in my car. I turned on the engine and spotted Lisa's car right behind my dad's. They both were a little far off but I accelerated my car to get closer to them. My palms felt clammy reckoning on what's going to happen next. I attempted to stop dad by giving him a call and making him understand that he's just making an impulsive decision but he didn't pick up any of my calls. I then called Jennie to ask about her whereabouts, hoping she was at her home peacefully sleeping by now but Chahee picked up the call instead and told me that Jennie just hurried outside to meet with me. I slammed the steering wheel tightly after hearing her reply.

Why on earth did she have to be outside right now?

We were on the highway now and I kept following Lisa's car, wishing that my dad wouldn't execute his awful plan. I wanted to get forward and halt dad's car but I couldn't compare to his speed. I received a call from Lisa and instantly picked it up while keeping the bluetooth speakers on.

"Did you try calling your dad? He doesn't look like he's going to stop his car until he finds Jennie."

"He isn't picking up my calls."

I heard her curse under her breath. "What the hell did you tell him, So Hee?" She demanded in an angry voice.

"I.. I'm so sorry Lisa. I didn't expect him to get so furious and talk about killing Jennie."

"Wait! What? Did he seriously say that?"

"Yes, I overheard him saying that to someone on a call, but he wouldn't really do something this terrible right?" I inquired, probably because I needed some reassurance myself that my dad wasn't that terrible of a person.

Lisa scoffed, "You have no idea what he's capable of."

"What do you mean Lisa?"

Suddenly I heard her swear again. "Fuck that's Jennie's car. Your dad's taking a turn. He's going after her," she said and hung up on the call, turning her car and following my dad which is exactly what I did too.

Dad was speeding in an attempt to get closer to Jennie's car. The nearer he was getting to her, the more he was scaring me. Is he seriously going to slam her with his car? I stepped on the accelerator again to reach up to him and realized Lisa did the same. He was now driving right next to my dad's car and I was just a few steps behind. She rolled down her windows and shrieked at my dad to stop the car, but my dad didn't pay any heed to her words, instead, he sped up, even more.

Suddenly Lisa took a sharp turn in an attempt to stop my dad's car from slamming onto's Jennie and that's when everything around me shortly seemed to dim. I remember pulling the brakes to prevent my car from the crash but I was too late. My head had already banged on the steering wheel and everything around me started to blur. I heard a few people shouting for help but my eyes had closed by then. All I could glimpse was a pitch dark room.


𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now