Chapter 11

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Franz. Franz. Franz. I need to find that guy. Only if I knew what his real name was, things would have been easier. It's all my fault, I was the one who asked him to not tell his real name. You are dumb Jennie! I don't even know if he was from our school or just a plus one at the party but I so wished we would have exchanged our real names instead of the fake ones.

My head was filled with Franz's thoughts and I didn't even realize when I suddenly bumped onto someone. "Ouch. What the fuck Nini!" Lisa groaned in anger. I looked up to see my best friend completely pissed at me, I gave her a small smile to acknowledge her presence and continued walking ahead. "Did you just ignore me?" Lisa asked and held my wrist in an attempt to stop me. My mind was so clouded with the thoughts of Franz that it couldn't register a single thing. "Where are you lost girl?"Lisa asked in an irked tone.

I flashed a soft smile to her. "Nothing...What's up?" Lisa narrowed her eyebrows, studying my face and I knew she would understand something is wrong so I immediately started a conversation to distract her. "So how was the masquerade party? I didn't see you anywhere."

Lisa smiled cutely, as if remembering the night in her head.  "It was nice. How could you see me? We were all wearing masks remember?"

Should I tell Lisa about the mysterious guy? Maybe not.

Lisa continued studying my face for a little while longer and was about to open her mouth to ask something when I again popped a question. "How many girls did you flirt with that night Lili?"

Lisa rolled her eyes at me, "Yeah yeah, that's the only thing you expect from me."

"Isn't that your thing? Fooling around with girls? I'm sure you didn't miss your chance to do the same at the party."

Lisa laughed and shook her head at my comment. "Why do I feel like you are hiding something from me Nini?"

I immediately replied with a 'No' because I didn't want to tell Lisa anything about that night yet. I know I suck at lying so I did the first thing that came into my mind - lie about getting late for class and run towards my locker to escape from Lisa's scrutinizing looks.

Before I could make my way to my locker, Chahee spotted me and immediately started firing me with her questions. "Jennie Kim. I'm your Bestfriend. I know the face you make when you are hiding something from me. So just open that pretty mouth of yours. What are you hiding?" Her face was red by now, I mentally decided to confess everything to her because there was no escape from the wrath of Chahee.

"Okay fine. I'll tell you but promise me that you won't tell Lisa about this," I pleaded.

"Promise." She said and gave me her little finger for a pinky swear.

The rest of the time went into explaining everything that happened at the party, how I met a mysterious guy named Franz, how we danced and exchanged some secrets. I also admitted to her that maybe I like him a bit. This made her mouth turn into an O shape. "How can you fall in love with someone you just met Jennie?"

"Geez, I don't love him, Cha. I just like him."

"But how?"

"I don't know Cha. He seemed so familiar. It felt as if we were meant to meet yesterday."

"Shut up with this destiny shit okay. You know I hate that kind of talk."

"But I'm serious Chahee. The little time that we spent together was just so amazing that I can't even describe it to you."

𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now