Chapter 48

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Frm:[So Hee]
Hey, can you come to the hospital to meet me?

I woke up to this text from So Hee and felt happy knowing that she had finally become conscious. The past two days have been pretty scary for all of us. From the crash to the hospital, everything seemed like a big nightmare. I can still hear the noise of the crash every time I close my eyes. The sight of seeing three cars slammed into each other and all of them being people I knew, had given me a panic attack at that right moment. I couldn't stop myself from sobbing after seeing all of them unconscious and covered in blood.

Thankfully a lot of people had gathered around who immediately called the ambulance and yanked all three of them out of their respective cars. I phoned my parents and Kai as soon as I got inside my car to follow the ambulance to the hospital.

By the time we reached the hospital, everyone was already present there. I don't remember much after that because as soon as I saw my mum, I ran to her crying and remained that way for a very long time. My tears didn't stop trickling for the next hour. Uncle Siwon and my dad took the responsibility of filing up all the hospital forms while I just kept crying like a baby in my mother's arm.

A soft knock on the door pulled me out of my reverie. Chahee's head popped in "Hey So Hee's woken up. Do you want to go meet up with her?"

I got out of my bed and replied, "Yeah, she just texted me. Let's go meet her."

"Okay then! Get ready fast, Kai and I are waiting for you downstairs."

"I'll be there in a ten."


We reached the hospital after a fifteen-minute drive and though I was excited to see So Hee, a part of me was nervous too. A lot of questions had arisen in my head after the night of the accident. I couldn't quite comprehend why the three of them were following me in their cars instead of attending the party. I wanted answers to all my questions but I had to wait for the right time. So Hee had just recouped and I wanted to give her some more time to rest instead of throwing so many questions at her.

We made our way to her hospital room and saw her peacefully reading a book. The moment she saw us, she kept the book aside and greeted us with a smile. "Hey, how are you feeling now?" Chahee asked while taking a seat next to her bed.

"I'm good. Thank you for dropping by."

"Sophie misses you like crazy," Kai added.

So Hee gave a soft smile. "I miss her too but I don't want her to see me like this."

"Yeah, we guessed that hence we didn't tell her about the accident. She thinks her parents have gone out of town for a meeting."

"I'm guessing Aunt Chaerin came up with that excuse. She's always good at convincing Sophie to believe her lies."

Kai laughed. "She certainly is."

So Hee now shifted her attention towards me and gave a small smile. "Thanks for staying with me the entire time I was unconscious." I was a little taken a back thinking about how she found out about this. Maybe Uncle Siwon told her. My instinct answered.

"No problem So Hee. I'm glad you are okay now," I replied with a big smile. I truly felt relieved that she was alright now. A part of me feared about Lisa's life but there's nothing I could do other than wait for the doctors to say something.

𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now