Chapter 33

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You know that feeling when you meet an old friend after years and you think that the meet is going to be super awkward since you haven't seen each other for such a long time but in reality, when you go and meet that friend you realize that not a single thing has changed and you both are starting exactly from where you both left the last time. That's how I feel at this moment. At first, I thought coming back to this town would be super weird but now that I have actually reached here, it feels so normal. Not a single thing about this place has changed. The buildings, the parks, the cafes, everything looks exactly the same. It doesn't feel like three years at all, it feels like it was only yesterday that I left this town.

After almost twelve hours of traveling, we finally reached our destination. Kai and I stood in front of my doorstep, ready to ring the bell and finally meet all my family members whom I had been avoiding since years. "You ready to go in?" Kai asked before pressing the doorbell.

I took a deep breath and answered with a yes. He smiled and rung the bell. The door opened in an instant and we were pulled in for a hug by Krystal. My neck started hurting since she was holding us so tight but nevertheless I didn't try to loosen her grip on me since I could understand how happy she felt at the moment. "I have missed you both so much," she whispered to us.

"I missed you too Krys," I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Let's go inside. Everyone's waiting for you two," she said and pulled us both inside the house. The moment I saw the sight in front of me, I was speechless. The whole house was swamped with people.

Kai and I exchanged a confused look with each other. I was trying to comprehend what was happening when Tae suddenly popped out of nowhere, squeezed me in his arms, "Please don't kill me, it was Krystal's idea to throw a party for you two." I was too dumbfounded to speak at this point so I simply nodded my head with a smile. Honestly, a party was not something I wanted presently however I had no other option but to oblige.

"Hey, it's okay Jennie. You can go upstairs and rest if you want," Tae said in a comforting tone.

"No. I'll just take a round and greet everyone before going upstairs," I said and walked towards the crowd. Almost every person I knew was present at the party but somehow my eyes were searching for just one person. I scanned through the entire crowd but she was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she wasn't interested to come to my 'welcome party'. Maybe she had better things to do than meet me.

"Who are you searching for?" Kai asked with a glass of drink in his hand.

When did he get a drink? I thought he was right next to me the entire time.

"I.. I was looking for our group. Chahee, Rosé, Jisoo.. Where are they?" I replied with a plain face. Kai laughed and shook his head in response.

"You are so bad at lying Jennie. We both know who you are looking for," he said while casually taking a sip from his drink.

I just rolled my eyes and didn't say a word because I knew I was lying too. "They are not here by the way," Kai said.


"Jisoo, Rosé, and Chahee didn't come to the party, they'll meet us later this evening. Chahee just called me to inform that."

"Okay then, I'll go meet my parents first," I said and started searching for them in the crowd.

"I'm going to go chill with your brother. I'll see you around Jennie," he said and disappeared in the crowd.

𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now