Chapter 3

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"Long time no see friend."

Lisa was fuming and her fists were clutched tightly after she heard those words. It felt like she would beat him at any moment now.

"You should go Lisa," I said politely. I did not want to see my best friend fighting with some guy that too on her first day of school.

"I can talk to Mr. Bradley if you want to Nini."

"You should go for your practice. I can handle this myself."

"Okay. But if anything happens, just give me a call," Lisa said while kissing me on my cheeks and then joined her team for the football practice.

I turned towards Kai.  "Hey. I am Jennie Kim, the Students President of this school. I am glad that you choose YG Elite as your school and I would be pleased to show you around the campus for today." He chuckled listening to my words.

"You don't have to be so formal with me," he said with a small smile on his face.

"Just doing my job," I replied.

"Okay listen up Jennie! I know our first meet up was fucked up and when you kissed me you didn't expect to meet me again but all that's happening now. So please don't ignore me. I am not that bad you know."

Why did he have to talk about the kiss? Gosh. He might be thinking I am a lets-have-one-night-stand-kind of girl.

"See that day was crazy. And I didn't mean anything from that kiss, it was ju-"

"Just a dare right?" He asked with a big smile plastered on his face.

"How do you know that?"

"It was damn obvious. When you came and kissed me I thought you were one of those clingy kinds of girls who just wanted to have sex at New year's but later when you went back to your group and all of them were laughing looking at us, I understood it was a stupid dare game."

"Didn't know you were that smart Kai," I commented.

A smile spread across his face and believe me he looked damn cute. I certainly can stare at his smiling face all day long and not get bored.

"So can we start by being friends?" He asked. I smiled listening to his question, he sounded so sincere at that moment.

"I would love that."

"Can I get your number then?"

"I am afraid Mr. Kai but I am not that easy girl," I laughed.

He joined me too and replied, "I don't like easy girl anyways."

After our little conversation, we both started walking towards the canteen area. I spotted Chahee there and seeing me with Kai made her very happy because she came running towards me and hugged me tightly, slowly in my ears, she whispered 'Let me hang out with him alone please."

I grinned at her words. After breaking from my hug with Chahee I turned towards Kai, "I have some work to do so I won't be able to join you. Sorry. But I guess Chahee can be your guide for today. Right, Cha?"

In a very relaxed manner, she replied, "Okay I don't mind."

Kai didn't question me at all and went ahead with Chahee. This girl can be so demanding at times.

𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 (𝑱𝒆𝒏𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒂) [𝑮!𝑷]Where stories live. Discover now