Chapter 41

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I opened my eyes to see that I wasn't in my usual room. Instead, I was in a totally different place which appeared to be a bit familiar, but I couldn't recollect it because of the ache in my head. The pain was killing me. What the hell did I do last night? Ten shots of tequila, my brain answered and in an instant, all the memories of last night came flowing back.

I remembered calling Lisa and waiting for her to pick me up from that shady pub. The next memory was sitting in her car and talking about something. But what happened after that? I struggled to recall the events of last night and abruptly an image flashed in my head. Lisa and I were kissing in the car. Oh my God! I was the one who made the first move. Damn it. I hate alcohol. The more I thought about it, the more images flashed in my head. We had a passionate make-out session a-and what the fuck we fucked!! in Lisa's car and she didn't seem to mind that at all.

A soft knock on the door pulled me back to the present. Aunt Chaerin came in with a bowl of soup in her hand. "Good morning, Lisa made this for you and asked me to make sure you drink this before leaving," she said with a smile on her face. Now I remember, this is Lisa's room. That's why it appeared so familiar.

I gave a soft smile to Aunt Chaerin before glancing at the door, hoping Lisa would join us too. "Lisa left a while ago Jennie. She had to go back to her place." Aunt Chaerin answered, she seemed to guess what was in my mind.

"Lisa doesn't stay with you guys anymore?" I asked and grabbed the bowl of soup from her hand to take a sip from it.

"No. So Hee and Lisa bought a new house when she got pregnant," she replied and I nodded my head in understanding. We were both quiet for a while before Aunt Chaerin asked a question which I didn't know how to reply to. "Is everything okay between you and Lisa?"

Definitely not. This is what I wanted to say. But instead, I just bobbed my head and said, "Yes everything is okay." She didn't seem convinced by my reply as she furrowed her eyebrows and stared at my face, trying her best to read my mind.

"Stop lying to me, Jennie, I know something's up."

"It's nothing, Aunt Chaerin. I just got extremely drunk last night," I replied, hoping she would discontinue the topic.

"Yes, you got so drunk that you weren't ready to leave Lisa's hand last night. That's why she brought you here because she couldn't take you like that to your place," she told which made my entire body go numb. Why the hell did I have to get drunk last night? Not only have I embarrassed myself in front of Lisa but also her mom.

I didn't have the courage to look Aunt Chaerin in the eye hence I kept my head low to avoid her gaze. "I'm sorry Aunt Chaerin."

"It's good Siwon wasn't home last night. He would have been so mad if he saw you both together," she said and I just nodded my head. "Jennie when you left three years ago I honestly thought you didn't want Lisa in your life anymore, and that did make me a little sad. But what I saw last night made me realize that I was wrong," she said in a low voice. "I have always loved you like my own daughter and it hurt me to see you and Lisa drift apart and as much as I always wanted you both to end up together...things have changed now," she added with a sad smile.

"I haven't seen my daughter as happy as she was staying next to you last night. And honestly, I don't even know what's going on between you two but all I can say is that all this is wrong."

"Aunt Chaerin, I'm sorry. I don't know what to say. I'm just so sorry to disappoint you. This won't happen again. I promise you," I said pleadingly to gain back her confidence in me. Aunt Chaerin has always supported me with everything in my life but my actions last night definitely hurt her and I hate myself for doing that.

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