👹 Time for DiNnEr 👹

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( welcome to part 4, also sorry if this is moving slow but I don't want anything to happen too fast 😅 )

Amira and you got home quickly and changed into better outfits that were more appropriate for the occasion. 

"Mama, Papa!" You called out. "We need to go to Casita now or we'll be late!!" 

"Just a moment!!" Your Papa yelled, stumbling up to you both. He tugged his pants up with an embarrassed expression.

Mama came down the stairs quickly. "Okay then let's go already!" She said, ushering everyone out the door.

You all walked up to Casita chatting about your day. When you reached the house, the doors swung open to let you all in. You all went inside and gave Alma hugs in turn.

Pepa and Julieta rushed out of the kitchen and pulled you to the table by your arms. They pushed you into a seat between Pepa and Bruno while Julieta hurried back into the kitchen.

"So how old is your sister?" Pepa asked. "Oh, she's 10." You replied with a smile. Pepa and you continued to make small talk when Alma brought another boy into the room.

He looked about your age, dressed in blue and white with glasses. He looked around the room before his eyes landed on you,Pepa and Bruno. 

"Hola Bruno, hola Pepa." He said with a grin and a wave. Bruno mumbled an awkward hello and Pepa greeted him back happily. 

"I don't believe we've met." The boy said holding out a hand across the table for you to shake. "I am Agustin, Julieta and I have been dating for a couple months now."

"I'm Y/N!" You said with a grin, taking his hand and shaking it. "I didn't know that Julieta was dating somebody!"

" I didn't know Bruno was dating somebody." Agustin said with a small laugh.

You glanced at Bruno who's face was bright red and you could feel your face heating up too.  "N-no we're not... well I mean.." Bruno said in a flustered mess.

"What he means to say it that we aren't dating!" You said quickly. "Not yet anyways." Pepa said with a snicker. 

Bruno pulled his hood over his face to hide his blush.  I pressed my lips together awkwardly and shot a death glare at Pepa. 

"Oh sorry, I didn't know!" Agustin said, trying to apologise. "It's fine." I said with a nervous laugh.

Julieta came out of the kitchen and Agustin immediately straightened up instead of leaning across the table. He sucked in a sharp breath as he hit his leg on the table but turned to smile at Julieta.

Julieta smiled back and walked over to give Agustin a small hug. Agustin gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and Julieta turned away to hide her blush.

"Well you can take a seat next to mine." Julieta said in a flustered voice. "Okay!" Agustin said hurrying over to the seat across the table from Bruno.

Alma took her place at the head of the table with Agustin and Bruno on either side of her. Your mama and Papa took the two seats next to Julieta's and Amira took the seat next to Pepa.

Alma said a few words before everybody started to eat. Your Mama, Papa and Alma stared to make conversation about boring stuff you didn't bother listening too. On the other side of the table Agustin and Julieta were blushing and talking between each other.

It was honestly cute how they were both still so flustered around each other. You looked over at Bruno who was nibbling his food quietly. Then you looked over at Pepa who started chatting to you.

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