The triplets 19th birthday

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(As you can probably tell by the title and my excessive mention of time skips- THERE IS NOW A TIME SKIP!!)

(I also wanted to take a moment to thank all you lovely readers you are literally my motivation to not stab myself with a ruler in math class! )

(I also am having trouble with the images up the top of the chapters but I'll figure ito it soon and update all the chapters without an image! )

You let out a sharp breath to steady your nerves as Casita let you inside for the triplets birthday dinner. You walked into the dining room and Bruno stood up to greet you with a small hug. You kissed him, still earning a satisfying blush from him.

You laughed and sat down in the seat next to him, holding his hand underneath the table. Señora Alma clinked her knife to her wine glass to propose a toast.

"I would just like to say, I am so proud of all three of you today, you've made this family proud and never forget that." She said, gazing at her three children affectionately. Julieta and Pepa sat next to Felix and Agustin, and the two boys both kissed them on the cheek at the same time.

Both girls beamed and the setting sun glowed brighter. "Oh and so believe Y/n wanted to give Bruno his gift!" Señora Alma announced, making your stomach flips over inside of you.

"Ah... yes." You mumbled, turning in your seat to face Bruno. You let out a slow breath and took Bruno's hands in yours. You stood up and stepped away from your chairs, bringing Bruno with you.

You paused and looked into Bruno's eyes. You were certain that you wanted to do this. You smiled and dropped to one knee in front of Bruno. "Bruno Madrigal." You started.

Bruno's face went bright red as you looked up at him lovingly. "Three and a half years ago I came back after 11 years away from Encanto. Away from you. And almost instantly I fell in love without even realising it."

"I told you I wanted to tell you I love you everyday that I love and so far I have. You've always been with me through my worst times here and especially my best." You said, gripping his hands tighter in yours.

"I decided to do this first because I'm clearly the one in pants when it comes to our relationship." You joked. "But really Bruno, I love you. I always will." You whispered.

"Will you marry me?"

The room when silent before Bruno nodded. Everybody in the room cheered as you stood up and kissed him. Bruno picked you up and spun you around as you laughed.

"I love you." You whispered as you leant your forehead against his.

"I love you too." He replied.

"WE HAVE A WEDDING TO PLAN!" Pepa shrieked in delight.

You laughed and turned to face your mama who was on the verge of tears. "Ay! I'm so proud!" She cried, planting a kiss on both of your cheeks.

You turned back to Bruno who was still blushing. "Well I don't know what to do for your birthday anymore." He said with a small smile.

"Why because whatever you get me won't be half as good!?" You teased. Bruno shook his head. "No because of this." He said, reaching into his sleeve.

Your eyebrows creased in curiosity and you watched him take two rats out of his sleeve. You laughed and looked up at Bruno. "What's this all about?" You asked.

He blushed and beckoned for you to follow him. You followed him to your secret passage, making sure nobody was following you. You got to your secret room and Bruno moved to the side to reveal your hand crafted stage.

"What.." You mumbled as you saw a wedding set up on the stage. Bruno put down the two rats and held up a small wooden board with a wedding scene painted on it.

"Oh Bruno.." You said with a laugh. Bruno smiled sheepishly. "This would've been the cutest proposal... SO YES!" You said with another laugh.

Bruno smiled and you suddenly clapped a hand over your mouth, rushing over to the painting door in the room. You peeled through a gap in the wood and let out a sigh of relief upon seeing that nobody had heard your yell.

"Well... we should get back." You said.

Later that night your mama and papa had already gone back home so you were sitting with Bruno in his tower. You laid back on his bed and sighed.

"Well I guess we're going to get married." You said with a small smile. Bruno sat next to you and crossed his legs. "Yep, and I couldn't ask for anything better." He said earning a snicker from you.

"Cheesy." You teased. "Oh please did you or did you not here yourself when you asked me to marry you?!" Bruno retaliated. You laughed as he flipped back to lie beside you.

"Bruno... I was thinking about something today." You whispered. "More nightmares?" Bruno asked, stroking your head. You shook your head and held one of his hands in yours.

"That vision you had three years ago, about me being crushed..." You began. "I look almost the exact same now as I did in that vision." You said, a frown creeping onto your face.

Bruno stared at you for a moment before placing a kiss on your forehead. "It'll be fine, if we don't adopt a child then nothing should happen the same way!" He said, trying to reassure you.

You suddenly sat up with an idea. "EXACTLY!" You yelled, pulling Bruno up. "If I never adopt a child then the future can't be that way!" You stood up and spun around in excitement.

"Bruno promise me that we'll never have any children EVER!" You said, spinning to face him. Bruno frowned but shrugged. "If it saves you then the family will just have to deal with being disappointed." He said.

You sat back down on his bed and smiled. "It'll be suuuccchhh a tough blow." You said in a teasing tone. "But anyways, I'm going to turn in." You said, followed by a yawn.

As you got underneath the bed covers you felt Bruno's arms wrap around you and you smiled.

Now... the only thing left was a wedding to plan.

(Sorry for the kind of shorter chapter! I'm short on time but I am going to put up another chapter soon.)

(For the record there was no rings in either proposal because the story is for every gender/ pronouns and some people may not want rings!)

(You also propose to Bruno because he's a shy rat man.)

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