Cliff hanger no longer.

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(I apologise for the last ending. But I had to write it speedy style since I had an 11 hour car trip to NSW for my move. )

Bruno's POV

I let out an agonised cry as y/n slipped over the cliffs edge, pushing my mama to safety. "Y/N!!" I shrieked, running to the edge of the cliff, tears running down my face.

I looked down and saw a wide, rushing river below, but scattered around it were jagged rocks. I started to jump over the edge when Felix grabbed my arm and yanked me back.

I let out a pained cry and stopped struggling after a couple moments. I looked over the edge and suddenly saw  y/n clawing their way up a rock.

I gasped in horror when I saw their misshapen arm where they must've broken a bone. "Y/N!!" I yelled, trying to capture their attention.

Y/n looked up at me and I tugged off my ruana and threw it down to them. It landed in the water a couple centimetres away and y/n grabbed it out of the water.

They quickly slipped it over their head and looked back up. They raised a hand to their mouth to shout but suddenly water crashed over the rock they were on- knocking y/n off.

I shouted out again as y/n stuggled to stay above the water down below with their broken arm. A hollow log floated past and y/n frantically reached out and hauled themselves onto the log.

I glanced behind me to see everybody else on the cliff watching too. Pepa looked deathly pale at what her lightning had done and even mama looked like she was regretting everything she had done. 

Julieta took my hand and I leaned onto her arm with a sob. "What if Y/n doesn't..." I started before she cut me off. "Don't think that way Bruno, I'm sure Y/n will find their way back to us."

I nodded before pulling away and running back into the forest. I began whacking plants out of my way as I circled around the cliff and down to the bank of the river.

I took a deep breath before setting off down the river bed.

I was going to find them no matter what.


You hauled yourself up onto the log and coughed up a mouthful of cold water. You wrapped Bruno's ruana around your myself tighter and clung to the log in terror.

You quickly got pulled out of sight of the cliff and down the river. After about an hour of drifting your arms were growing weaker but up ahead something was moving on a fallen over tree that crossed the rivers path.

As you got closer you could see a boy, about your and the triplets age, leaning over the edge of the log, holding out his hand. Behind him, holding his legs was a girl who looked maybe a year older than you.

Too weak to use your voice- you reached up your good arm, almost causing you to fall off the log. The boy reached down and grabbed your wrist, pulling you out the water and into his arms.

The girl immediately bent over and picked you up out of his arms with ease and started walking back to the shore.

You blinked a couple times before falling asleep in her arms without a word.

(Sorry for the short chapter but a lot is going on right now! I'll try make the next one extra long if I can!!)

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