Race back downstairs

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(Hello guys I am BACK. It's "that time of month" for me right now. So I'm very emotional and pissed off at everything.)

(I had a break down about my mum making my sister breakfast when I was in the shower and not me. I also broke down just thinking about having to lift up a heavy box)

(So today my writing may have uncalled for emotion and aggression. Idk if this is good or bad but I don't really care!!)

(I love you all 🧡🧡)

Bruno ran after you up the stairs as you raced forward, firing quickly with each step. You both slowed down at about a quarter of the way up and you let out a slow breath of exhaustion.

"Wait UP!" Bruno called from behind you. You stopped and waited for Bruno to catch up. "Now you have to give me a favour in return." You said between sharp breaths.

"What favour?" Bruno asked, equally exhausted. You smiled and jumped onto his back. Bruno groaned but dragged you both up another 5 minutes of stairs.

You finally jumped off feeling refreshed. You stepped in front of Bruno and held your hand behind your back. After a moment Bruno jumped onto your back and you smiled as you carried him up the stairs at a fairly steady pace.

After another 8 minutes you dropped him. Bruno beckoned for you to hop onto his back so you did. The rest of the way up the stairs you took turns carrying each other.

When you were nearly at the top you were carrying Bruno. You paused and dropped Bruno onto the ground. You ran forward and shouted out in victory.

"I WIN! I WIN!" You yelled. "Okay I get it! You win!" Bruno said with a smile and an eye roll. A rat suddenly popped out of Bruno's ruana and ran into the dark tunnel ahead.

"Well I forgot how terrifying this place is." You mumbled with a nervous laugh. "Yeah I've just gotten used to it, besides I found a room in the back of the chamber that I use as my actual bedroom." Bruno explained.

You nodded as you both walked into the chamber. Bruno led you to the back wall which just looked like plain rocks. He felt around before pulling on a certain rock, swinging open a hidden door.

Your eyes widened as he led you through into a fair sized room with a double bed, a set of drawers, a closet, a mirror and an old armchair in front of a small fireplace built into one wall.

"So how'd you find this place?" You asked in curiosity. Bruno went a bit red and shrugged.

~Bruno's Flashback~

I held up the vision of Julieta burning a batch of cookies and sighed. "Well this is unfortunate." I mumbled, putting the jade slab into a small satchel I had over my shoulder.

I walked to the stone slab at the back wall and picked up another vision from a random pile and studied the image of me banging my head on a rock.

I rubbed my head protectively and turned around only to trip on a rock. I shrieked and put my hands out. I just stopped myself from slipping by grabbed onto the wall. I felt the stones shift unnaturally and pulled myself up cautiously.

I grinned triumphantly and turned around only to trip on the same rock and hit my head on the wall. I groaned and turned around to see an opening the shape of a door suddenly on the wall.

I took ahold of the rocks and pushed them back into place. I narrowed my eyes and pushed down on the rock I hit my head on and the door swung open again.

"Well this is interesting." I mumbled before going cross eyed and and dropping to the floor.

~Flash back ended~

Bruno laughed awkwardly. "Long story, no time for that!" You frowned, "Why wouldn't there be time? What are we doing instead?" You asked.

Bruno paused. "I dunno, stuff?" He said. You laughed and walked over to his bed. You sat down on it and crawled over to where his bedside table was.

You picked up a photo frame with the exact same photo of you with the triplets that you had on your bedside table. You smiled softly and looked at Bruno who in the photo had been holding your hand and smiling.

"I have the exact same photo on my bedside table." You said. Bruno walked over and sat on the bed next to you. "Y/n. I want you to know that I love you." Bruno said, taking your hand.

You grinned, "I know, you've told me before!" Bruno nodded. "I know that. But I want to tell you everyday. For the rest of our lives." He said, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb.

You looked down at your hands together and smiled. "I do too, so why don't we go downstairs and make this official. For real." You suggested. Bruno's face lit up and he threw his arms around you.

"Hey, race back downstairs?" Bruno asked. You shook your head and turned around. "How about this time we just walk together." You said.

Bruno smiled and took your hand. You both walked out and at the top of the stairs you let out a yell as you pushed Bruno behind you and ran away down the stairs.

"RACE BACK DOWNSTAIRS!" You shouted, taking off to hear Bruno laughing behind you.

(I got my friend to go over the chapter and remove unnecessary violence and so you get a normal chapter. Okay byee)

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