Thinking of titles hurts my brain

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( not going to lie I'm so bored right now so I'll probably have 10 parts out in 2 days - also welcome to part 7!!)

Bruno gave you a confused look, "Do something with the room?" He asked. "We should decorate it! And use it as some sort of get away space!" You said already envisioning how it would look.

"I mean- that would be pretty great." Bruno agreed with a smile. "Perfect! So let's get started!" You said grabbing Bruno by his ruana and dragging him back through the passageway.

You both got back without any issues and you rushed downstairs to grab a broomstick. Alma came walking out and saw you with the broom.

She came over and gave you a quizzical look. "What are you doing with the broomstick?" She asked. "Sweeping.?" You said with an awkward laugh.

Alma eyed you up and down before walking out of the room. You let out a breath of relief and run into the dining area.

You ran up to the large family painting on the wall and pried it open like a door with your fingers. You threw the broom inside and turned around. Bruno came into the room with an old gramophone and held it up with a grin.

"Oh my god- it's perfect!" You said taking the gramophone and slowly lowering it through the painting door. "We should bring a wagon down to the town and ask around for any old furniture!" Bruno suggested.

"Genius!" You said reaching over and cupping his face for a moment before rushing out to find a small wagon to bring. You ran outside and found a fair sized wagon to use.

Bruno came out of Casita after a minute and you both started to walk down to town with the wagon. "Hold it right there." A voice said from behind us. We both slowly turned around to find Julieta standing with her hands on her hips.

"What ARE you doing?" She asked, walking closer. "We're going to collect unwanted furniture from around town...?" You said nervously.

"Oh cool let me come too!" Julieta said, helping to get the wagon down to town. You reached the first house and knocked on the door. A woman holding a young child opened the door.

"Hola señora!" You greeted with a smile. "We were wondering if you have any unwanted furniture we can have."

The woman thought for a moment. "Oh yes yes, come inside, I have an old red chair I don't need anymore!" The woman said letting us into the house.

"Now that I mention it, it's faded into an orange like red. I hope you don't mind." She said. "No! Not at all!" You said with a grin.

The woman led you into a small room with a bunch of random junk in it. Julieta went and sat in the chair and smiled. "Comfy!"

"Well then let's carry it out!" You said, letting Julieta hop off it before you lifted up half of it. Bruno and Julieta came over and we all carried the chair out and put it on the wagon with little difficulty.

"Thank you so much señora!" You called out to the lady as you started to move on. "No problem!" She called back, shutting the door.

You went around for another couple of hours collecting furniture from people until you had at least 6 different shelves. A couple of people helped you pull the wagon back to Casita and Julieta gave them all an arepa for the help.

"So what did you need this stuff for?"Julieta asked. "My room." Bruno said quickly. "Eheh- yeah my room is really .. bad." He said simply.

Julieta nodded in agreement. "Yeah you should've fixed that ages ago." She said. Julieta started to undo the plait in her hair as she walked away. "Get it done before dinner!!" She called.

Bruno and you started to unload the furniture and carry it through the house. You distributed each bit of furniture into the painting and were done after another couple of hours.

You both climbed through the painting and shut it behind you. "Okay so you know that red curtain we got?" Bruno asked. "Yeah, what about it?" You asked in confusion. "We should use it to make a little stage!" Bruno said with a smile.

As he said it two rats ran up to him and he picked them up casually. "Great idea!" You said, eyeing the rats. "You used to be terrified of rats."

"Yeah but sometimes I needed company and well... they were company." Bruno said with a small, sad smile, looking down at the rats. "Oh Bruno, don't worry I'm here now- and imagine if the rats used the stage too!" You joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah and they could perform game shows!" He said with a laugh. "Or sports!" You said with a giggle. "Telenovelas!!" Bruno said and with that you both burst out laughing.

You both started to build the stage, sweep the floors and organise the furniture around the room. You opened a set of drawers and pulled out an old boot with a confused look. You shrugged and put the boot up on one of the shelves.

After another hour of hard work Bruno was sitting on the floor, painting little panels of wood for the rats so you could pretend they were acting up on the stage.

"This one is the telenovela panel." He said, holding it up. "Their love could never be!" You joked, falling back dramatically into the chair. You both started to laugh and you clutched your side.

"This was great, I bet we'll use this place all the time!" You said breathlessly. "Yeah." Bruno agreed with a smile. You both sat in silence for a moment.

"Bruno." You started. "Yeah?" Bruno said looking up. "I'm sorry for leaving you, I know how hard you've had it." You said, sitting up straighter.

"I thought about you all the time." You said with a small smile. Bruno looked up at you from the ground and smiled back slightly.

"It was just hard how nobody accepted that I can't control the future- y'know." He mumbled. You frowned sympathetically and slid off the chair to kneel across from him on the floor.

"I never wanted to leave." You said, taking the telenovela panel out of his hands and putting it up on the stage. Bruno nodded and looked down as you took his hands in yours.

"It isn't your fault." He said. "I know." You agreed without hesitation. He chuckled and you rubbed your thumbs over the back of his hands.

"I think that Alma is just a bit harsh on you at times." You said softly. Bruno nodded again, still looking slightly upset. You lifted his chin up with one of your hands and hugged him.

"Don't let anybody convince you that you aren't amazing, because you are." You said, resting your head on his shoulder.

Bruno sank into the hug and buried his head into your shoulder too. You both sat there for a moment in silence before You pulled away from him with a small smile.

"Now Julieta said we had to be done before dinner." You said, brushing one of Bruno's curls out of his face. "So let's go out now."

Bruno nodded and let you help him to his feet and lead him back through the passage. "Thank you." Bruno said as we stepped out of the painting. "Anytime." You said with a smile.

With that you both went downstairs. You gave Bruno another quick hug, knowing you had to get back to your home now.

"I'll come back tomorrow." You said with a smile as Casita opened the doors for you. "See you then." Bruno said, a small blush spreading over his face.

You left Casita with a smile. As you walked back down to your house you thought about the conversation you two had.

As you got into bed you fell asleep thinking about the same moment.

(Y/N is Bruno emotional support person and I feel like he needs moments like these before they even get close to kissing. So don't be totally mad at me ) 😅

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