Adopting your fate

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(Hello I am so incredibly bored I bring you another chapter!!)

You and Bruno stepped into the dining room where Señora Alma was sitting with Mariana. "Good morning Señora." You said with a smile. The lady turned to smile and nod to you.

"Good you're here." She said, handing you a sheet of paper. You looked at it and then took the pencil she was offering to you in your other hand.

"You're certain?" Bruno asked you, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Are you?" You replied. Bruno smiled but you could tell he was concerned. You awkwardly scrawled your name onto the adoption paper and then Bruno wrote his next to yours.

"Congratulations, you have officially got custody over Mariana." Señora Alma said, as you took back the adoption papers to hold from Bruno.

You turned to Mariana and extended your hand with a smile and the young girl jumped up with a massive grin on her face.

~Bruno's POV~

I winced as I recognised the scene from my vision laid out before me. I rubbed my forehead for a moment before Mariana wrapped one arm around my leg.

I reached down and placed a hand on her head as Y/n crouched down to hug her. I frowned down at Y/n in worry, wondering if this was the wrong choice to make.

~Back to Y/n~

You stood back up, taking hold of Mariana's hand. A knock suddenly sounded at the door and you turned to see your papa standing in the doorway.

"Y/n can I talk to you please." He said and you nodded. You followed him outside with a frown and you took your hands in his. "Y/n, your aunt just showed up with news that your grandmother has fallen extremely ill." He said.

You felt your heart beat faster in your chest in worry. "Is it terminal?" You asked. "We're not sure." Your papa replied. "But then... why..." You began before you pulled your hands back in dread.

"We're going back to stay with your aunt." Your papa said. "But, you don't have to come this time, but your mama and I are both going with Amira."

"I think I'm going to stay." You said, not willing to leave Encanto again. Your Papa nodded, understanding where you were coming from. "Well we're leaving tonight, and we don't know how long we'll be gone." He said.

You pulled him into a hug and he hugged you back for a few moments. "I also want you to live in our house with Mariana until we return." He said. You sniffled and nodded.

"I'll miss you, I promise to be there to see you off tonight." You said and he nodded. You watched as he walked back down to town and you felt yourself getting more upset.

You turned to go back into Casita and walked into the dining room. Bruno turned to look at you and noticed the tears forming in the corners of your eyes.

He walked over and wrapped you in a silent hug knowing you wouldn't want to talk about anything. You laid your head on Bruno's shoulder and smiled as Mariana hugged your and Bruno's legs.

"I'd also like to have Mariana receive a gift in private because we have no time to pull together a ceremony in time." Señora Alma said and you nodded, pulling away from the hug.

You all walked out of the room again and up the stairs towards an empty door. You frowned, not remembering the doors presence before.

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