One shot!

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(This is a one shot of you and Bruno's first date! )

You opened your front door to see Bruno standing there with a single rose in his hands. "Wow you're early." You said, letting him inside.

"Well I wouldn't be late for our first real date." Bruno replied, handing you the rose with a small smile. "Thank you Mi Amor!" You said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

You took his hand and snatched your bag up and you both left. "So where we're you planning on taking me?" Bruno asked, almost jogging to keep up with your long, fast strides.

"It's a surprise!" You said, almost glowing in excitement. You were planning on bringing Bruno up to Casita where Julieta and Pepa were currently setting up a small picnic around the side of the house.

It was the first place you realised you were in love with Bruno even if you hadn't realised it yourself then. As you neared the house you saw Julieta and Pepa slipping inside of Casita. Bruno frowned in confusion as you led him up to his own house for our date.

"Y/n where are we going?" He asked you again. You laughed and led him around the side of the house and stopped momentarily to look at the picnic that Pepa and Julieta had set up.

"Wow." You and Bruno both mumbled at the same time. You squeezed Bruno's hand together and brought him over to the picnic rug to sit down.

"To be clear the picnic was my idea but your sisters helped set it up." You said, lifting the top off a basket to see what food was inside. "And you chose here, because of the night we touched hands?" Bruno asked, looking around.

"Well I guess but it's also that it was the place I fell in love with you." You admitted, blushing at your own words. Bruno's face heated up a bit as he took your hands in his.

"Well everything about it is perfect." He said as you smiled. "I know I'm perfect but what about the picnic?" You teased.

Bruno looked like he was thinking about his answer for a moment before leaning over and kissing you. He pulled back and smiled bashfully.

"It's pretty good." He said, picking up a random piece of food and taking a bite it of it like he hadn't just kissed you. You scoffed in amusement.

"But you know nothing is more perfect than you are." He said as you snatched his food from his hand.

"Yeah I know that too." You said, taking a bite out of Bruno's piece of food.

(This was a one shot so it was a lot shorter than all my other chapters but I will be updating a proper one later tonight!)

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