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(Sup everyone ;-;. I just realised I have no motivation to write - fighting parents are the bloody worst. But enjoy this chapter anyways) ❤️

You slowly pulled away from Bruno, ending your kiss. He looked at you in surprise, his face was bright red and he brought his hands up in front of him to fiddle with his ruana nervously.

"You... didn't like it?" You asked, your face falling. Bruno's eyes went wide, "No, I really liked it- I did." He said, taking a step closer.

You grinned, "Well then we should probably get to the room now- I don't want to fall of this edge again.." You mumbled. Bruno nodded and offered you his hand.

You reached out and placed your hand in his, immediately pulling ahead and dragging him behind you. A couple days started running along side us and Bruno scooped one of them up as we ran.

When we reached the room Bruno ran ahead and jumped into the chair. "Hey no fair!" You shouted, trying to pry him off the chair. "I saved your life so I get the chair!!" Bruno yelled back with a laugh.

You both burst into laughter and you gave up, flopping down onto the floor. "Fine you win." You said with a defeated sigh.

You reached over to the stage and picked up the show panels Bruno had painted and looked at them. "You could cut out holes for the rats faces over these painted rats." You suggested.

You handed Bruno the panels and he nodded in thought. "That would be a good idea." He said, standing up and peering through the crack in the wood.

You jolted up off the floor and flung yourself into the chair with a successful shout. Bruno spun around and looked at you seriously for a moment before you both started to laugh again.

"Well I'm going to go get something to start carving out the holes." Bruno said, opening the painting and climbing through. You followed him without a word and shut the painting behind you.

"So what shows did you make on the panels?" You asked in curiosity. "The ones we mentioned the other day." Bruno said. "So, sports, game show and telenovela?" You asked with a giggle.

"Exactly!" Bruno said with a grin. Bruno suddenly stopped at a set of drawers and started searching through the messy inside. "Found it!" He said triumphantly.

"Great now let's head back." You say, starting to turn around. You suddenly came face to face with señora Alma who was watching you with more hostility than usual. The usual was none at all, so this was bad.

"Y/N, I think you should leave Bruno on his own for today and come back some other time." She said, glancing sideways at Bruno who was looking at his shoes and holding the panels behind his back.

"But señora Alma, I just.." You began before she cut you off, "Y/N, go home now." She said. You sighed and walked to Casita's front doors. You paused and looked back at Bruno.

He was cowering underneath his mama's words again and you hated to see him like it. You narrowed your eyes and turned around, storming back to stand between Bruno and Señora Alma.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" She asked, her voice going cold and loud. Behind her Julieta came in the door followed be Agustin, Felix and Pepa. They all paused and to watch what was going down with worried interest.

"I'm protecting Bruno!" You said back. "All you do it bully him because he isn't how you want him to be!" You yelled getting more and more frustrated.

Señora Alma grabbed your wrist, "Don't you dare talk about me that way!" You yanked your wrist away and gestured to Bruno. "If you don't like it then why do you do it to Bruno?!" You shouted.

She stepped closer to you, "I will not tolerate you being in here any longer!!" She yelled. "You are further corrupting my son! You are ruining my family!!" She yelled.

You took a step back and Bruno came up from behind you and took hold of your elbows to support your weight. "Mama stop it!" Pepa suddenly yelled from behind.

Señora Alma turned to see the other four watching and sucked in a sharp breath. "All of you outside now!" She ordered. "Casita take them outside!" She yelled, as Casita pushed them all outside and shut the door with slight hesitation.

You could hear people banging on the other side of the door, shouting to be let inside. "Mama! Señora! LET US IN! What are you DOING!?"

Señora Alma turned back to you and Bruno. "If I ever see you two together again I will..!" She began before Bruno cut her off, "What will you do!? Send Y/N away!?" He shouted, his eyes starting to glow green.

"I'll just follow!! You can't stop up from being together!!" He yelled. The walls of Casita trembled slightly as Señora Alma walked forward and grabbed your wrists, dragging you away from Bruno.

"If I ever see you two together again I will have no choice but to banish Y/N and their family from Encanto, and get rid of their house for good measure!!" Señora Alma yelled, slowing dragging you to Casitas doors.

"Mama STOP IT! You're hurting them!!" Bruno yelled, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Casita get Bruno away from Y/N!" Señora Alma yelled.

When Casita didn't respond you and Bruno looked at each other in grateful confusion. "Fine then I will do it myself!!" Señora Alma yelled, prying Bruno away from you.

You were still struggling against her grip when she accidentally let you go and you slammed back into the wall with a cry of pain.

More frantic shouts and knocks came from the other side of the door as the sky outside grew clouded and dark. You sat on the floor, trying to regain your breath when you looked up to see Señora Alma, knocking Bruno into the floor.

She turned to face you and pulled you up off the floor in a blind rage. "I NEVER WANT YOU IN MY HOME AGAIN!" She yelled before opening to door and throwing you out with incredible force.

You slammed into the ground and felt arms suddenly holding you up above the ground before everything went black. 

( okay so things with Señora Alma are getting worse but things with Bruno are getting better. But putting your family in danger can't be an option so what do you do?)

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