Returning to Encanto, again.

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(Okay so I finally have time to write the next chapter! Also I will start making videos for TikTok soon too!!)

(I also created an Instagram account but it has no posts and I won't be posting on it a lot.) 

You and Bruno looked towards the bushes where Mateo came bursting through yet again. Following him was two carts drawn by donkeys containing some of the families possessions.

In front of one sat Mateo's father and in the other sat his mother who was surprisingly short and skinny. Even with her small frame you could see the muscles she had and the determination on her face.

"Hola Señora, my name is Y/n." You said with a smile and wave. Mateo's mother nodded, "And I'm Laura." She said with a grin. 

Mateo hopped onto the back of the cart and offered his hand out to help you up. You smiled and reached to take his hand when Bruno suddenly grabbed it before you with a small, guilty laugh.

Mateo looked a bit surprised and disappointed but helped pull Bruno up. Bruno turned back around and helped you up into the cart with a sheepish expression.

"Well I can tell somebodies a little protective." You teased, ruffling his hair. Bruno went a little red and shrugged," No, I was just trying to help you up.. because uh.. it's nice." He said, fumbling over his words.

You laughed and the cart started to move. Bruno moved away and hopped to the front of the cart next to Laura. Katia looked over from the other cart and signalled for us to lead the way. 

"Is there a bridge over the river?" Bruno asked Laura. Laura nodded, "if we travel against the current, along the banks, we'll reach a much calmer area where we can cross.

Bruno nodded as the carts proceeded to travel up along the river bank. After a few hours we reached a familiar area and you frowned.

You looked ahead and grimaced as you saw an all too familiar cliff. You passed the cliff quickly and the carts continued along the river until it got much calmer.

Soon  the mountain where Encanto was hidden was in your view, getting closer and closer. You suddenly looked up hearing Laura call out, "Hey! There's a lady sitting next to the river up ahead!"

You squinted and paused when you saw Señora Alma sitting by the edge of the river with her head in her hands.

Bruno looked back to you with a small, worried frown. "Well we should pick her up and take her with us." You said with a slight coldness in your voice. Bruno nodded looking worried still.

Señora Alma looked up as the carts drew closer. She stood up and brushed her skirt off. She raised her hand and was about to say something when she spotted you and Bruno in the cart and she stopped herself.

Your cart pulled up next to her and the other cart stopped behind. "You okay? We can give you a lift you want one." Laura said, indicating the back of the cart where you and Mateo were sitting.

Señora Alma had a regret filled expression on her face as she slowly made her way closer to you. Mateo helped her up into the cart and she nodded her thanks.

"Y/n..." She whispered, her voice thick with emotion. You raised a hand to stop her from saying more. "I think it's best you don't talk to me until I'm ready." You said with an icy tone.

Señora Alma nodded and looked to Bruno who just looked away in shame. She hung her head as the carts continued to move along.

After a while Bruno directed Laura through a patch of trees and into Encanto. Mateo and his families faces were full of awe as they gazed down on the town.

"It's... incredible." Laura mumbled, as the carts pulled into the street. Señora Alma cleared her throat, "There's an empty house to the left, third down on the right hand side of the street." She said with a small smile.

Laura nodded as Bruno hopped down from the cart and came around to give you a hand. You smiled and jumped down on your own. "Hey.. maybe we can all hang out sometime!" Mateo called from up in the cart.

You grinned, "Yeah that'd be great!" You called back. Bruno nodded in agreement. "Well see you soon." Bruno said with a nod. Mateo grinned as the carts headed down the street on the left.

You and Bruno stood facing Señora Alma. "I'll see you later Bruno." She said with a nod, walking towards Casita in silence.

Bruno pressed his lips together before running forward to stop her. "Mama, it may take time to fully forgive you but I'll love you no matter what." He said with a small smile.

Señora Alma's eyes went misty and she nodded, breaking away and continuing to walk. Bruno came back to you and took your hand.

"Hey, you should go up to Casita and wash up, your filthy.." You said with a small snicker. Bruno scoffed, "Says you, you smell like fish and mud!" He replied back.

You both laughed and took a moment to relax. "Well we should both go shower then meet up in the secret room!" You said with a smile.

Bruno nodded and you leaned up to kiss him quickly. You turned around with a small grin as Bruno stood blushing behind you.

"See you then!" You called. "Yeah- then! I'll see!" Bruno called back, messing up his sentence. You laughed as you headed back to your house to wash up.

Thankfully nobody was home so you didn't get held up. After a bandage change and clothes swap you headed out and made your way up to Casita.

You reached the doors and Casita opened it a crack so you could peer through. After seeing nobody you slipped into the house and to the painting behind the table.

You knocked on the painting with a grin, "knock knock knock!" You said. Oh the other side of the painting you heard a couple knocks in reply. "Knock knock knock!" Bruno's voice said from the other side.

The painting swung open and you climbed inside. "So what should we do?" You asked. Your eyes both shot to the red chair and you instantly dashed to it.

Bruno shot into the seat and you fell back into his lap. You both fell silent and stared at each other before bursting into a laughing fit.

"Okay, you win this time!" You said with a small laugh, starting to stand up. Suddenly you felt a pair of hands around your waist as Bruno stopped you from standing up.

"You know, you don't have to get up." He said with a nervous expression. You paused in surprise, not expecting such a bold move from Bruno.

A sly grin slipped onto you face as you sat back down and twisted yourself to face him. "Oh I know, but what do we do now?" You asked. Bruno's eyes went wide as a blush spread across his face.

You smiled and put your head on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kiss you now." You said with a yawn.

"But, what if I want you to?" Bruno asked, making you look up.

"Right now." He finished.

( I feel like I should be more guilty about this cliff hanger but I'm too lazy to feel emotions right now :> )

(Anyways I hoped you liked this chapter, I also made a new TikTok account- the username is: falling4theMadrigals_ )

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