Your birthday

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(This chapter skips forward a few week to your birthday! There will be a lot of upcoming time skips happening because I'm not writing the next 2 years of their lives)

You woke up and sat up in your bed with a jolt. "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" You yelled, jumping up and racing out of your room. "I'M FINALLY 16 YEARS OOOLLLDDD!!" You shouted, slid in down the stair banister.

You had been smart yesterday night by wearing the same clothes as you slept, foreseeing your excitement in the morning. You ran into the kitchen and was about to shout out again but the lights suddenly flicked on without you touching them.

You screamed in terror as your family and friends stood in the kitchen. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!"They yelled.

You jumped up and down a few times and ran up to your mama and papa, giving them both right hugs of appreciation. You turned to Bruno who kissed you on the cheek with a small smile. You took turns hugging Pepa, Julieta, Felix and Agustin before spinning around and running into the dining room.

"I KNEW IT!" You shouted as you spotted a massive cake, with (f/c) frosting and delicate icing (f/f).

(F/c = favourite colour)
(F/f = favourite flower)

"JULIETA YOU MADE THIS!?" You shouted, as everybody else filed into the room. Julieta nodded and you gave her another hug. "This birthday is the beeesssttt!" You yelled.

~Two hours later~

"Y/n you really shouldn't have eaten that much cake." Agustin said as you clutched your stomach with a groan. You were out with the triplets, Agustin and Felix down at a river bank a while out from town.

"Worth it." You mumbled. Julieta laughed and Pepa poked your stomach. "Hmmm... are you sure if I poke you again you won't vomit?" She asked. You nodded and sat down at the river bank.

The others sat down on either side of you and you rested your head on Bruno's shoulder. "What should we do next?" Felix asked, clutching Pepa's hand in his as he spoke.

"To be honest I don't know." You admitted. "Maybe we should go to the market?" Agustin suggested. "Ew no, most of the best stalls are shut today." Pepa said making a face. Julieta nodded in agreement.

"Well then how about we go get Mateo, I was a little disappointed that he wasn't here today." You said. Bruno stood up and offered you his hand in assistance. "Good idea." He said, whilst pulling you to your feet.

A rat suddenly flew out of his ruana and Agustin shrieked, falling back into the river. Julieta cried out in alarm whilst everybody else burst into laughter.

"Sugar." Agustin muttered, accepting Julieta's hand to help him get out of the water. "Oh well I can live in soggy clothes." He said with a sigh. "Oh Agustin, you're just really unlucky." Julieta mumbled, looking him up and down.

You all started walking back to town. Felix let Pepa jump into his back so he could carry her that way and you and Bruno's hands swung back and forth together as you walked.

You quickly reached Mateos house and knocked on the door. "MATEO!" Felix yelled, cupping his hand around his mouth, leaving Pepa to hold on to him on her own for a moment.

The sound of running footsteps sounded inside the door swung open to reveal Mateo. "Hi!" He said, grinning at you all. "Oh and happy birthday Y/n! I heard from Agustin that today was your birthday!"

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