The end

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(Please leave a vote I love you all! Mwah! 🧡🧡)

You had taken up wearing only long sleeves and gloves when you went around since your entire arms were now transparent and the process of you disappearing was becoming more and more speeded.

You still hadn't told Bruno what was happening to you because you were worried about what sort of chaos would break out.

You had spent the last 3 years, since the night of Ana's gift ceremony trying to find out what has been happening to you. You walked out onto the edge of the second story floor with Bruno has Julieta held out the candle for Pedro, Dolores' son, to receive his gift.

You watched in interest as Pedro's door glowed bright letting everybody know he had received a gift. Everybody cheered and you clapped with a small smile.

Bruno looked at you in worry, and you knew he'd noticed your lowering energy over the past few years since your fading had gotten worse. "Are you okay Mi Amor?" He asked in a hushed tone.

You smiled at him weakly. "I'm okay." You replied. "I love you." He said with a sad smile. You nodded and turned away feeling unusually numb.

Suddenly you felt a sharp stab of pain in your chest and you collapsed to the ground in shock. "Are you okay!?" Julieta asked, running over as quickly as she could with her age. You clutched your chest and Ana ran up the stairs.

"Tia/ Tio (Tia and Tio is optional if you're gender fluid or non- binary) Y/n, there is something you should know." Ana said. You looked at her suddenly realising she was more familiar than you'd noticed before. "Y/n in another reality I traveled back in time with Mateo, Bruno and Pedro." Ana gushed.

You frowned, still clutching your chest. "You were dead but Pedro brought you back to life!" Ana said.
Dolores rushed forward but Mateo hurried in with Pedro from behind.

"I can see your spirit already separating from your body." Pedro said, reaching forward and touching your palm. "Y/n, I need to let you die." Pedro said and everybody around you shouted in protest.

"I'll bring them back to life don't worry!" Pedro said. Suddenly a lady from downstairs shouted out. Julieta rushed off and Pedro turned to watch too.

A woman was wailing over the body of her son and Pedro ran downstairs like he had been doing this for years. After a few minutes Pedro had somehow brought the boy back to life as we all watched in awe.

"I need you to take off your gloves." Pedro said, walking back upstairs. You reluctantly let Bruno remove your gloves and everyone around you gasped. "Y/n how long was this happening?" Bruno asked.

"It has been happening for at least 5 years now." You whispered and Bruno's face fell into a hurt expression. "You can tell me about this stuff." He said and you nodded.

"Step aside Tio Bruno." Pedro said and Bruno moved to the side. Suddenly Valentina burst through the crowd with her three kids and Aiden. Aiden was carrying their twins and their oldest son ran along side them.

Valentina dropped to her knees next to you and you smiled at her thankfully. The pain in your chest suddenly got a whole lot worse and you let out an anguished cry.

After lying in pain for a few minutes you felt your face grow lighter as you felt numb and more free. You felt yourself being lifted up and you looked down to see your own body below you.

You looked around and saw Pedro holding out his palm to you. "You know what to do." He said and somehow you did know. You reached out and placed your palm against his.

You felt yourself suddenly back in your living body. You stared down at your normal hands and laughed shakily. You pulled Pedro into a hug and little boy squirmed for a moment before hugging you back.

Bruno hugged you too and so did Valentina. "Thank you." You whispered. "Oh there's one more thing we have to do." Ana said, suddenly stepping forward. "You see when we traveled back in time and saved Y/n you let your younger self see you Bruno." Ana said and Bruno sighed.

"No offence kid but you're 8." Mateo said, putting a hand on Ana's shoulder. "Well guess what, old man." Ana said, flicking his hand off of her. "This 'kid' has watched herself die hundreds of thousands of times in alternate time lines and has also seen you fall off.." Ana began before Mateo cut her off.

"Okay okay, you're old and wise." Mateo said. "Actually yes, mentally I'm the age of a 203 year old." Ana said earning a shocked silence from everyone. "Oh quit gawking." The girl muttered. "Now Pedro, Bruno and Mateo all have to come with me so we can warn each other." Ana said.

They four of them linked hands after big of debate and a flash of Bleu light whisked them away.

~Bruno's POV~

Ana landed us a street away from Y/n's a minute before the other versions of us arrived to save Y/n. "Okay the other me has already teleported the other us' away." Ana informed us. "Now we just follow the other you Bruno and I'll bring us back to our time lien after dropping him off."

"The other me wouldn't reach him fast enough so Y/n will still see you but for such a short time they'll forget." Ana whispered. We suddenly saw the other Bruno running forward as other Ana teleported the rest of them away. Other Bruno crouched down to save Y/n and Ana ran forward, dragging us behind her.

She reached out and grabbed the other me's hand. I watched her drop him through the blue flash at some point and we landed in a street. We stood in front of the familiar house on the street and I saw Valentina and Aiden bringing out their kids.

"Bruno..." A voice I loved so much said from behind us. I turned to see Y/n and smiled in relief. I ran forward and wrapped them in my arms.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." They whispered back.

"How long we're we gone for?" Ana asked from behind us. "Just a week." Y/n said and Ana smiled. "Great timing!" She said. "The other us' just landed in their reality where it's new to them, and everything will be fine in this time line from now on!" Ana announced. We all just shrugged in confusion and pretended we knew what she meant.

So finally everything really was fixed.

~Y/n's POV~

Finally everything was perfect.

~Young Isabela POV~

"Like meee!"


(Finally the story is finished! Also sorry for how confusing all the time travel was. I confused myself too :> !! )

(Also old habits die hard so please leave a vote 😅)

( Thank you all so much for reading my book! I'll be taking a break that could last from a few hours to a month until I start writing my next story which will be a Camilo x Fem Reader.)

(So yes after careful thought I needed a Camilo story under my profile! I also wanted to let you know that story, unlike this one, will be for Fem readers. So she/her pronouns.)

(For the meantime I will use this story for updates but after a little while I will be flicking the 'accomplished' switch!)

(I love you all so much!!)


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