A really bad prophecy Pt.2

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(Okay so ny first day of school starts tomorrow for the year so my updates may be less frequent! But I'll try my best to get at least one chapter a day <3 )

You looked at Bruno before turning to look at the others in shock. You looked back to Bruno and he handed you the vision. You took it and turned it to face you.

You studied the vision within showing you with your mouth open in a frozen scream as rocks were caught mid air- heading straight at you. You placed your finger tips over your frozen face and felt your chin tremble.

"I look older in this." You said, looking up. Pepa nodded as a light rain started falling down. "But... not old enough to be ready to die." You finished.

You dropped the vision, letting it shatter on the ground. "Well then we might as well start having the most amazing day ever before to start to cry." You said, trying not to seem completely pathetic.

It was hard.

You grabbed Bruno's face and pulled him into a sudden kiss. Bruno went bright red and his eyes went wider in surprise. "I want to do that everyday for the rest of my life." You say, taking his hand in yours and leading him towards the more interesting part of the market.

You all spent the next couple of hours laughing and trying to forget the vision. You all bought a variety of different things and went dancing for fun. After a while Felix and Agustin suddenly dragged you away from the triplets.

You let them drag you not really giving a damn at this point. "What now?" You asked. "The triplets birthday is coming up and I thought we could all chip in an buy them the best gifts." Agustin whispered.

Felix nodded eagerly, "I say we put in 50 each and then all choose the presents together." He said. "Sounds like a plan!" You said, putting your hand out. Felix and Agustin put their hands over yours and you all threw your arms up and shouted out "GO TIME!".

"I'm really surprised we got that right." You said. "Me too." Agustin agreed. "NO TIME! WE MUST MAKE HASTE!" Felix yelled, dragging Agustin and you behind him.

After about half an hour you'd picked out three different presents for the triplets. For Pepa you'd chosen a long yellow and orange dress that resembled her current one but had no fabric over her shoulders and a sun pattern along its hem.

For Julieta you had chosen golden earrings the shape of tear drops. You didn't really have a reason behind them other than you all thought she'd look great with them.

Finally for Bruno you had bought him... nothing. Instead you all decided to steal Bruno's ruana with an elaborate plan.

Well to more accurate you just asked to borrow it because you were "cold". You had used the last of the money to buy fabrics and sewing supplies. You brought his ruana to a tailor and got a hood sewn onto it along with an hourglass pattern along it.

By the end of the day you had all the presents safely stashed away at your houses. Agustin with Julieta's earrings, Felix with Pepa's dress and you with Bruno's ruana.

You all ran back to the market after hiding the gifts and found the triplets standing in-front of a weird mirror that was distorting their bodies.

Pepa shoved Bruno out of the way to see herself better and fell into a fit of giggles at the sight of her short, fat self in the mirror. Bruno fell back with a yell of terror as he hit the ground. Julieta helped him up and turned to you as you got closer.

"Where did you guys go?" She asked, going up to Agustin and kissing him on the cheek affectionately. "We were checking out a tie stall for Agustin, he wanted our opinions!" Felix replied in a quick lie.

You nodded along, "None of them were good on him." You said bluntly. "I think he should just ditch ties completely!" Agustin made a small grunt noise of annoyance but nodded anyway. "Yep, that's exactly what we were doing." He said.

Julieta laughed and Bruno came over to you, taking your hand with a shy smile. You grinned and leaned into his arm happily. "It's getting dark we should head home!" Felix said, looking to the sky. "Felix I'll walk you home!!" Pepa exclaimed, running towards him.

"And I'll walk Y/n home." Bruno said. "I'll go with you then Agustin." Julieta said, taking his hand in hers.

"Oh well see you all tomorrow!" You said, as you all headed off down seperate streets. You squeezed Bruno's hand as you got out of the market. "So... where's my ruana?" He asked, looking at you with confusion in his eyes.

You laughed and shrugged. "No idea, maybe I accidentally threw it on a rooftop." Bruno gasped, "Did you really?" He asked in shock. You snickered and shook your head. "Bruno you need to learn the difference between a joke and being serious." You said, shoving him lightly on the shoulder.

You saw his cheeks grow darker and smiled to yourself. "Bruno, I love you." You said, going a bit red yourself. Bruno walked in silence for a few steps before sniffling. "I love you too." He whispered.

He sniffed again and pulled you into a hug. You buried your head in the crook of his neck and felt yourself start to tremble slightly. "I don't care about what your vision says." You whisper.

Bruno started to cry, placing his head on your shoulder for support.  You hugged him tighter and brushed your hand through his hair. "I am going to love you for as long as I live, your visions will never change that." You said.

Bruno nodded into your shoulder, still crying. You lifted his chin off your shoulder and brushed your thumb over his cheek. "Please don't cry." You whisper.

Bruno nodded into your hand and looked into your eyes. "But Y/n there was something else in the vision that you didn't notice." He said, taking in a deep breath.

"I doubt it." You muttered as Bruno suddenly pulled the shattered pieces of the vision out of his bag and kneeled down on the street.

You watched as he placed the pieces back together and then went to kneel next to him. Bruno pointed to you in the vision and you followed his finger.

And what you saw shocked you. Mostly concealed behind you was a child.

"She'll die too...?" You ask in horror. "That young girl!?" Bruno nodded and suddenly pulled another vision out of his satchel.

"Not just any child." He said, handing you the vision. "Your child."

(Okay so to clarify this is a pretty bad cliff hanger but to make it clear You didn't give birth to the child! She was adopted since this story is made for availability of all pronouns!)

(I'll try update tomorrow but I might not be able too, okay bye for now!!)

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