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ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊

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ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹

Annabelle had expected Fez to have left the room when she'd fallen back asleep- thinking, in the long run, it had been a pretty weird question to ask. He was her brother's best friend- cliché.

She'd also never expected to be seeing him in the way that she was recently. She'd only ever looked at him as the red head, who owned the liquor store, who was also a drug dealer on the side, as well as being friends with her sibling.

Annabelle had somewhat gathered that he wasn't seeing here in the same way- there was no way he could. In her eyes, she was his friends weird sister, quiet with nothing to her.

But Fez actually enjoyed her company, as rare as it seemed to happen. He liked whenever she was around, and he'd feel himself change when the two were together. His voice turned softer, eyes calmer and his whole body relaxed. But he just hoped she couldn't tell.

Annabelle shuffled in the sheets of the bed, hand patting around for the pillow that had moved towards the edge of the bed in her sleep. Her hand patted something that she suspected was not the bed. Fez's arm. This caused him to pull it away, the taps waking him up slightly.

Annabelle continued to pat though, soon patting him by the head, which made Fez huff, not knowing whether she was still asleep or not.

"Yo," he muttered, sitting up and moving further away, body almost dangling off of the edge of the bed. "Can you like chill out wit' yo patting?"

Annabelle's eyes snapped open, completely forgetting that she'd asked him to come and sleep- scrap that, not even expecting him to still be there.

"Uh-" she hummed, tumbling over her next words. "Yeah, sorry." She felt Fez move, the duvet pulling further up her body as he tucked himself further into the bed, clearly not ready to get up yet.

Annabelle laid still, not daring to move. She heard movement outside, other people clearly awake already.

She couldn't bare remaining so still knowing he was laying so close to her, so she got up quietly, grabbing her phone from the table beside his bed, making her way out of the bedroom.

Lexi gave her a look, sat up on the counter, legs dangling with a bowl of cereal in her hands. Annabelle shook her head, passing the girl and walking to the sink, filling up a cup of water.

"So," Lexi filled the silence, a crunch following her small sentence. "Fez wasn't in Ash's room this morning."

"Yep," Annabelle nodded, leaning against the counter and looking at her best friend. "He's in his room."


"Not really," She shrugged. Lexi smiled towards her. "I mean, it's his bed. He can sleep in it if he wants to."

"No, obviously. But how did he even end up in there? With you."

"I got up in the middle of the night and he came out. I couldn't sleep properly so I asked if he'd stay in the bed with me-"

"Damn," Lexi interrupted her. "Brave."

"Well I didn't think he'd stay the whole night, I thought he'd wait until I was asleep and then leave again."

The girl wiggled her eyebrows at Annabelle, still stuffing her cheeks with cereal.

"Nothing even happened, I forgot he was there."

"You totally would though, wouldn't you?" She asked, and Annabelle's cheeks flamed up at the question.

"Well, I don't know-"

"That alone means yes. If it isn't a straight no then yes. Well, I mean unless it came to that, then he'd need a yes or a no."

As Lexi finished her sentence, Fez walked out of the bedroom, hoodie covering his head. He smiled lazily at the two of them.


"Hi," Annabelle spoke, her voice coming out much higher pitched than she'd intended, causing Lexi to almost choke on her cereal, the girl fighting back a laugh. Fez smirked lightly.

"You good?" He asked, the girl nodding quickly in reply instead of responding. "Good."

ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹

Lexi, Annabelle and Ewan had got into Fez's car later that day, him offering to drop the three of them off, on his way to the store.

He'd taken Lexi home first, the girl thanking him twice before she got out, saying her goodbyes and running into her house.

"She cool," Fez commented once she'd left, Annabelle saw Ewan nod from the front seat.

"Yeah," he mumbled, Annabelle smiling slightly. "She's my favourite friend you've had."

The girl huffed, "she's the only friend i've had." Ewan laughed, looking at the girl through the mirror.

The ride back to the Cash's was then quiet, music playing through the car, Fez tapping his fingers against the wheel to the beat.

When he pulled up outside their house, Ewan thanked the boy, before getting out of the car quickly. Annabelle remained though; leaning forward through the centre console.

"Thankyou for letting me stay over," she said to him. He spun in his seat, giving her a genuine smile, lack of teeth showing. "I appreciate it, and you know, appreciate you staying in the room."

"Nah, you cool," he told her softly. "Anytime."

"Okay, well, uh- i'll be going now. You know, inside."

Fez nodded, rubbing his beard once before looking towards Annabelle. "Yeah that's cool."

"Okay," she mumbled, grabbing her bag and moving to open the door.

"Yo, Annabelle?" He stopped her before she could leave. She turned to face him. "You think you'd wanna chill one day?"

She felt her cheeks turn pink, coughing once to clear her throat.

"For sure, I'd like that," she told him. He nodded, a smile still on his face. She leant over quickly, pressing a small kiss to his cheek, leaving the car straight after before she could begin to overthink it.

Fez's own cheeks turned red as he watched her stumble her way out of the car. He laughed to himself, Annabelle practically sprinting inside. She turned though, when she got to the door, giving him a shy wave.


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