forty eight

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ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊

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ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹

"I'm just saying, if you've been away for this long and he still hasn't shown interest in seeing you, I don't think it's working out."

Is what Seb said to Annabelle. They were at a party, yet again, much to Annabelle's annoyance. Lexi had been dragged away by Honey, so Seb had agreed to stick by Annabelle's side.

"Look, I know you don't wanna hear it An, but I think it's the truth," He told her softly. Annabelle rested her head back against the couch with a groan. "Surely you've thought about it, with how much Ewan calls Lex."

"I guess," she shrugged, nails tapping against the bottle Seb had found for her to drink. "He was just so consistent with saying he'd come down, call and whatever, it's hard to understand why."

"Put it this way- how many times did you call him yesterday?"

"Four," she mumbled, embarrassed.

"Four. And how many times did he call you back?"


"Exactly," Seb sighed, he turned to give her a sad look. "And sure, maybe he's busy. But who's busy at 3Am?"

Annabelle groaned loudly, covering her face with her hands. She knew she should've pushed the idea of the two of them taking a break while she was away.

"I know it's hard," Seb comforted her. She shuffled to lay her head on his shoulder, swinging one of her legs over his. "But you're amazing Annie, don't let anyone ever treat you like you aren't."

"Why'd you have to be gay?" She questioned him. Seb laughed loudly, shaking his head. "For real, id so have you as a boyfriend."

"I'm flattered." Seb smiled, squeezing Annabelle's thigh gently. "If you're really hung up over this, call him now. Let's say if he answers, all is well. If not, dump his ass."

She nodded, patting for her phone. Silently praying he would pick up, she called him, not wanting to have to 'dump his ass'

On the third ring, he answered, her eyes widening as she looked at Seb.

"Hello?" She spoke, raising her voice slightly so he could hear her over the music.

"Sup' kid, I can't really talk right now," he mumbled over the phone, voices audible in the background though.

"Why? What's goin' on?"

"Nothin' crazy, I'm just mad busy."

"Oh-" she attempted to talk, interrupted by a tipsy Enzo, who placed himself besides her with a heavy drop.

"Annie my man," he cheered, swinging an arm over her neck, pulling her down onto him. Seb snickered, "Who's on the phone?"

"Who is that Annie?" Fez questioned her. She concluded that he'd moved away from wherever he was originally, no voices now in the background. "Who you wit' right now?"

"It's just a friend," she spoke quickly, swatting Enzo's arm away. The brunette's eyes widened when Seb had explained who she was calling.

"Shit, my bad An," Lorenzo huffed, holding his hands up in defence. "Didn't realise it was lover boy."

She flipped him off, "Seriously. Anyway, how come you haven't been calling?"

"I told you, busy." Fez said, voice dull. "Look, i'll call you later or some shit."

Annabelle managed a small 'okay' before Fez had hung up. She groaned, falling backwards into the sofa. Seb sighed, stroking hair that had fallen into her face.

"I'm really sorry," Enzo told her softly. "Honestly, is he pissed at you?"

"I don't even know," she shrugged. "He said he's busy."

"Bullshit," Seb scoffed. "Babe, if he loved you he'd be calling all the time, making time whether he's busy or not. We all know Ewan does."

"Let's cheer you up," Enzo said loudly, slapping his hands against his thighs- covered in a pair of cargo pants. "Get up."

Annabelle looked at him curiously. Enzo held a hand out for each of the two others to grab- Seb did immediately.

"Come on Annie!" He insisted. "We don't want you down in the dumps!"

She snickered at the phrase, taking Enzo's hand who pulled her up. He stood in the middle, an arm over both Annabelle's and Seb's neck.

"Time to get wasted!"

ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹

The three had taken it literally. Annabelle hadn't meant to allow herself to drink as much as she had, but when Honey and Lexi entered the kitchen along with the other three, they all decided to just drink- they'll think about the decision when they wake up.

Which is what Annabelle struggled to do when she woke up in a bed- squeezed into the middle between Seb and Enzo. Lexi seemed to be asleep on the floor, Honey nowhere to be seen. The girl groaned, pulling the duvet further up over her head. 

She rolled over onto her front, shoulder knocking into Enzo, who then also groaned and shoved her back. 

"Ow," she mumbled, sitting up to give him a glare. He didn't reply, Annabelle falling to lay flat on the bed. "You both take up too much room," she huffed, giving Enzo a small push. "Move up." 

"Piss off," he whispered, "Get on the floor." 

"I just want some more room." 

Lorenzo sighed, moving slightly to the edge before grabbing her wrist to tug her towards him. Her head came to lay against his chest, his arm looping around her neck to hold her tight against him. 

He was back to snoring within seconds, confirming to her that he clearly didn't see the issue. And although she was exhausted, she couldn't help but notice how wrong it was- snuggling with Enzo. She tried to wiggle out of his grip, failing so she gave up, scooting enough so that she was laying on the mattress by his head- arm stretched out across his body with nowhere else to put it. 

She accepted defeat, instead allowing herself to go to sleep. 

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