forty five

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ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊

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ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹

Annabelle spent Thanksgiving with her mom and Ewan, Fez (sure enough) seeming to be 'out of town'. Annabelle had thought it to be strange, assuming Ewan would know something about it, being buddies and all.

But up until Annabelle had mentioned it, Ewan knew nothing about the boy being out of town. Fez hadn't mentioned a single thing, speaking to the brunette as if he'd be in town for the holiday.

Ewan was oblivious, Annabelle however, after speaking to Lexi, came to the conclusion that he had to be in town, because where the hell else would he be. She'd asked- specifically- where he would be, and each time he changed the subject, never giving her a direct answer.

i'm leaving tonight
(sent three hours ago)

Huffing, Annabelle pulled up outside of the store. She'd packed the car, Lexi sitting in the passenger seat.

"I'll be quick," Annabelle assured her. Lexi only nodded, urging her to get out of the car. She sighed, sitting back down, arm holding onto the door handle. "What if he's actually out of town? Or what if there's another girl-"

"Annie," Lexi spoke almost sternly. "Just go. If there's another girl, you walk right back out. Save the tears for the car."

"Why am I scared?" Annabelle asked quickly. "He's my boyfriend Lex, why am I scared?" Lexi smiled sadly at the girl. "Oh God- what if there's a girl there?"

"Then you walk away."

Annabelle let out a heavy breath, opening the car door. She slammed it shut, Lexi giving her an enthusiastic thumbs up from the seat.

She picked on the sleeve of her cardigan, oversized and very clearly baggy on her smaller body. Skipping slightly to the window, she did a quick peek, Fez sitting on the counter. Landing back on her feet, she walked around to the entrance.

"Hey," She spoke, giving her boyfriend an exaggerated smile. His eyes widened a tad, before he relaxed.

"Sup' kid?"

"'Sup' kid'," She mocked, the boy raising his brows at her. "So, when did you get home? You know, from being out of town?"

Letting out a breathy laugh, stopping when he realised she wasn't kidding, he rubbed his hands across his thighs.

"You think I'm lyin' to you?" He asked, Annabelle giving him nothing but a nod. "Why'd I lie about that?"

"You tell me." She started, leaning against the entrance of the store. She crossed her arms, cardigan covering her body more. "Seems as if you're ignoring me too, given I sent you a text what- four hours ago? And you've just put your phone down and I still haven't got a reply."

"Woah," He started, holding his hands up in defence. "The fuck? Where the hell is all this coming from?"

"You!" She scoffed, throwing her hands up in the air. "Lying, about shit. If you didn't wanna see me, just tell me that. And I know you weren't 'out of town' because Ewan had zero clue."

"What's he got to do wit' this-"

"He knows everything that happens in your life Fez! He'd know if you were out of town." His mouth opened and shut multiple times- clearly at a loss for words. "See."

"When you leavin'?"

"Why?" She asked quickly. "Is your new girl hiding somewhere?"

"How'd you know?" He asked, sarcasm dropping from his tone. "No, Annabelle. I wouldn't cheat on you."

"You basically already did," she pointed out. "So let's not." She looked down at her phone, buzzing with messages from Lexi.


damn. get it,
i can hear u calling
his lying ass out

btw if we wanna be there
by the time we said, we have
to leave in precisely 8 minutes so

Annabelle snickered at the messages, looking over her shoulder at Lexi, her window down. Lexi gasped when she saw her looking, giving her friend a wave and another thumbs up.

"So, when are you leavin'?"

"Once you tell me why you're still continuing to lie."

"Fuck sake Annabelle," he huffed. "I had shit goin' on-"

"Of course," She laughed, hands being thrown up in the air. "You always have 'shit goin' on' it's getting old."

"I ain't even doin' this shit wit' you," he spoke. "I'll call you tonight or somethin'."

"Ha," she laughed. "You won't. I've got to leave now, you know, because i'm leaving town. I'll call you when- I dunno when."

"Alright," he shrugged. She scoffed, giving him a look up and down before leaving to enter the car again.

"So," Lexi asked quickly, adjusting her seatbelt so she could get a complete look of Annabelle, who began to reverse and head for the road. "What happened?"

"Lex," Annabelle started with an amused smile. "We both know you heard the entire thing."

"You're right. Are you okay?"

"Ish," Annabelle glanced at her friend. "I'm just annoyed, the boy riles me."

Lexi grabbed Annabelle's hand, giving it a squeeze, "You don't need him."

"I don't know-"

"I do." Lexi continued. "We'll find you a smoking hot guy at college-"

"I love you and all, but I also love Fez, no matter how much he annoys me sometimes."

"Hm, fine."


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