The Pastry Shop

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Danis POV

I walk through the doors of the shop and walk into the back. I put on my apron and my Aqua bandana, they both read: Cani's Pastries. I actually own the shop with my best friend Caitlin. Which surprises most people because we are only 20 years old. If you haven't already figured out why it is called Cani's pastries it is because when you put my name (Dani) and Caitlin's name together it spells Cani. There are a few other names but Cani sounds the best. We both did an apprenticeship to be a pastry chef and now I am also doing courses at university to be a forensic anthropologist. While caitlin is getting her degree in criminal psychology. We are both quite intelligent although we can... Well mostly me but... We can be quite dopey.

I realise I haven't really introduced myself. My name is Danielle Jane. I don't really like the name Danielle to be completely honest. I would rather of it being something like Samantha, I really like that name, I'm not sure why. But I don't think I look like a Samantha, well at least that is what people tell me. Anyway, I have long dyed dark brown nearly black hair, I have green eyes and dimples. I wear glasses but only when I can't be bothered putting in my contacts. I am quite tall and skinny. I actually quite like my appearance, it is what I was given so why not just embrace it. Of course there are things I wish I could change but I can't. As I said before I am skinny, I am not anorexic or anything but I am probably just in the healthy section. I probably could put on some more weight but the truth is I hate food and eating. I am fine with drinking but I hate eating. I don't know why but I have been like that since I was a young teenager. My skin is tanned but it is mainly from being half Sri Lankan, or half Asian. I am quiet and when I speak it is normally sarcasm or I am speaking the absolute truth. Although I am quiet I am a lot louder and out going than Caitlin. We have been best friends since year 6 and we know each other inside out. Caitlin is very quiet and keeps her cards close to her chest, when I am starting to reveal more and more of my cards. I didn't have a horrible child hood although some parts in my life were hard, but I could never say I had a bad life. I am the youngest of three, I have and older brother and sister, we fight but so does every family.

Caitlin is already there setting everything up. It is 5:30 in the morning, we open the shop up at about 7. Our shop has been open for about 6 months and we have been getting very good reviews. I walk up to Caitlin and see she is on her phone. Her blonde curly hair is in a bun and and she is wearing her bandana. Our shop is quite small but it feels cosy and homey. It has wooden floors and the walls are a nice yellow colour, on the walls we have pictures, one is of caitlin and I and the rest are other of the beach, sunsets, landscapes or inspirational quotes. There are a few stools and a few booths. The front of the shop is manly windows and it has a view overlooking the ocean.

"I'm going to start with the cakes." I say and caitlin nods her head.

"Yeah, I'll should start on the ice-cream pancakes." Caitlin replies and puts her phone down. I walk over to the bench and start on the Nutella cup cakes. Caitlin puts her phone in the docking station and puts on radio active by imagine dragons.


I put the finishing touches on my Oreo cupcakes and put them on the shelf. I rub my eyes and walk to the front door and turn the sign over to open. I walk back to the kitchen and help caitlin with making some sausage rolls.

"Don't eat me." Caitlin says in a silly voice and making a smiley face with some pastry. We both laugh and I throw some flour at her.

"I'm 20 years old I can do what I want." I respond jokingly and we both laugh.

"Oh my god Nell." Caitlin laughs and I put the sausages in the oven. Nell is my family nickname, my mum calls me it because she didn't want to call me Dani, although all my friends call me dani, we'll all minus Caitlin. The bell rings saying that some one has entered and we both go to the front and see two girls.

"Hey girls, how can we help you today?" I ask smiling.

"Hey Dani, can we just get two hot chocolates and an ice cream pancake to share." One of them asks. Her name was Cory she has platinum blonde hair and her friend was Sophie and she had black hair and is the tall out of the two. They are both 17 and they are regulars, we are all pretty good friends ad they seem comfortable around caitlin and I and tell us about the boys they like and the gossip going around their school. They actually remind me of Caitlin and I. I get the girls their drinks and caitlin makes their pancakes.

"Shit, girls your pancake will be crap again." Caitlin yells from the back laughing and we all laugh.

"We were expecting it to be crap anyway... The first ones always are." Sophie says.

"Maybe you two should come not so early and you would have perfect pancakes." I state handing them their hot chocolates.

"But then another customer would get our shitty ones, and the shitty ones are ours." Cory says. I laugh at her statement.

"Well then I will make this one extra shitty for you." Caitlin responds and puts the pancake on the plate. I put their ice cream on their plate. They both walk to one of the tables and start eating their breakfasts.

"Ok girls don't take anything whilst we are out back." I say sternly and they just smirk.

"You have little faith." Sophie says and I just shake my head and walk out the back.

Us four are all massive Directioners, we went to their recent OTRAT concert in Brisbane and it was just the best. Louis is my favourite and I just smirk every time I think of him, Harry is Caitlin's, Niall is Cory's and Liam is Sophie's. We were all crushed when I heard that louis and Eleanor broke up, they were all our favourite couple. I am a full on non Larry Shipper... I don't have anything against larry shippers at all but I just don't see why they would want them to be together. Like it means I could have a chance with Louis... Which is a ver very unlikely chance nearly impossible but you know anything can happen.

I walk to Caitlin's iPhone and put on heart attack by one direction. It is Caitlin and my song, back when it came out we were blasting it and dancing and being retards to it and ever since its been our song.

"We need to do something." Caitlin says taking me out of my thought.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"Like a karaoke night or a movie night here." She suggests.

"We close at 5 why would we have a movie night?"

"We stay open for longer of course." She responds.

"Well it doesn't sound like a bad idea... When do you wanna do it?" I ask.

"Next week?" She asks and I nod my head.

"Sounds good." I smile.

"Movies or karaoke?"

"Why not karaoke at the start then it goes into movies." I suggest.

"Good thinking B2."

"Thanks B1." I smile.


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