A Scary Movie

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Danis POV

"You know I hate you right." I say answering the door in my pyjamas at 10am.

"Hey I did tell you I would pick you up at ten." Louis defends himself walking in side the apartment.

"Well I was expecting like ten at night." I answer.

"No in the morning." Louis smiles.

"I don't care what you planed for today, I am not leaving this apartment." I state sitting on the sofa.

"It's ok love, what ever you want." Louis replies sitting next to me.

"What if I don't want you here?" I ask.

"You don't get to choose that though." Louis says and lays back on the couch.

"Darn." I comment clicking my finger and swing my arm up to chest like a pirate.

"So what do you want to do?" Louis asks.

"Sleep." I reply.

"Other than that." Louis says.

"Watch a movie?" I respond but it comes out more like a question.

"Sure love." Louis smiles warmly and I watch him get up and walk to the cupboard where the movies are.

He's wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with a brown singlet so I can see majority of his tattoos. I get up and walk over to him and look at the movies, I look at the shelf but I am not really concentrating on what movie to watch. I am concentrating on how close Louis' body is to me. I look down at myself and see I am in a very big black top and I am wearing small pants which you couldn't see because of how big the top is. Crap I am not even wearing a bra. I step back and bump into Louis, the bump sending sparks through my body.

"Oh sorry." I say weakly.

"It's ok love." Louis smiles. I continue to walk and stop when louis talks. "Where are you going?"

"I'm getting changed." I respond.

"Why you look great in your pyjamas." Louis smirks and I just shake my head.

"I will be back out in like two minutes." I tell louis and walk into my room.

My room is quite nice it is a nice light turquoise colour with pictures of caitlin and I all around it. There are a few of my family but not a lot. I walk over to my chest of draws and pull out a red singlet and black shorts. I get a black bra and put everything on. I walk out my room and pick up my hair brush. I walk back to Louis and see Harry and Caitlin are sitting in the lounge room as well. I sit on the floor next to the couch and brush my hair.

"You can sit up here." Louis whispers as the movie starts.

"It's fine, I'm comfortable." I reassure him but he gives me a look saying he isn't taking no for an answer.

I sigh and stand up, I walk to the couch and sit on the other end to Louis and putting a nice distance of space between us. I look at the screen and see it's a scary movie. Of course it is, me and scary movies don't work. I freak out, I scare easily in movies where as in real life if you try to scare me it isn't that easy. I kick my feet up on the couch and I dig them into the back of it. The movie plays for a bit and I am freaking out, who in their right mind makes a movie like this? And how do people enjoy watching this? A demons jumps onto the screen and I jump and my leg spasms making me kick louis.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"It's ok love... Are you ok?" He asks concerned. I nod my head.

"Yeah, just really really hate scary movies." I confess.

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