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Danis POV

"Are you ok?" Louis asks kissing my head.

I don't say anything but I just nod my head. I take off louis glasses, again forgetting I had them on. I hand them back to him and he kisses my head again. I am glad that the beach isn't too far away because all I want to do is just go home and lay on the couch. I am hot and tired and sore. The car stops and I see we are at Caitlin and my apartment. I allow the boys to have my car and just return it tomorrow. Louis and Harry get out as well and I and thankful Louis is coming up with us. They both promise to leave before six which is when Cani night will start. It's only three so they still have a while. We make our way to our apartment and I straight away turn the fans and air-con on. I lead Louis to my room and I lie on my bed. Louis lays next to me and pulls me towards him. I rest my head on his chest and my fingers trace over his tattoos. He runs his hand up and down my arm and kisses my temple. I let out a sigh and sit up.

"Whats wrong?" Louis asks sitting up as well and putting his hand on my knee. I look down at his his hand and don't say anything. His hands are long and bony like mine, his hands aren't big though like Harrys whose are massive, I like lou's hands. I look at his tattoos from his rope, and the bird, the smiley face, pac man, noughts and crosses, the number five talley thing, I can see a bit of his arrow but not a lot of it, his compass, his tea cup, oops, state board, I look further up his arm and take in the detail of his deer and the love heart above it. I move my fingers over his tattoos and he puts his left hand over them. I look up to his face and he has concern written on his face.

"Danielle." Louis says moving his hand off my hand and moving it to move a piece of my hair that's in my face. He has never said my full name before, I like him calling me Danielle, and that's weird because I hate my name and people calling me by it.

"I am just sore and tired." I tell him, he clenches his jaw. His jaw line is amazing like wow. I give him a smile and his jaw relaxes slightly.

"I hate when the fans do that." Louis mutters and shakes his head angrily. I move so I was sitting in front of him and move my hand to his cheek.

"Lou I'm fine, I just have a slight headache but I am fine, don't get angry at your fans over what one of them has done." I say searching his face.

"It isn't just one fan though, fans all over have hurt someone one of us boys likes." Louis says and I stop smiling for a split second. Hopefully Louis didnt notice. "Are you sure that's all that's wrong?" He asks, he noticed. I look into his see blue eyes and I can feel something in the pit of my stomach. "What is it?" He says and I pull my hands back. I look down at them and look at all the cuts, scars and burns I have on them, mainly all from cooking.

"I don't think I can keep doing what we are doing." I say slowly and don't look up at him. He doesn't say anything and I know I need to explain. "I really like you, but... You just got out a really long term relationship and I'm... I'm not in the right state to be thinking of dating, and what we are doing now... I just know it won't work out... I think we should just be, friends." I finish. I didn't like saying those words but I needed too. I don't want to lose Louis, but I can't keep being all flirty with him. The safest thing for us is friends... Even though it pained me. I just really hope louis understands.

"Friends..." Louis sighs quietly. I look up at him and his head is against the back board and he is looking at the roof. I can't do the dating thing again, at least for a while.

"I'm really sorry." I whisper hugging myself.

"It's not your fault... You are right, we should be friends, I am not ready to be in a relationship and what we are doing is going to get one of us, or both of us hurt." He replies rubbing my knee. I feel better knowing that he agrees.

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