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Danis POV

I walk out my room in one of Louis tops that he left here and my underwear. Caitlin went with him, which I was grateful for. I look at my phone and see I have a few hours until work. I turn on the television and put on cake boss. It's literally the coolest baking show ever. The episode is about him making a cake for his sons 1st birthday. The cake is massive and weighs a lot, he puts lots of candy on it and make a chocolate river. Half of the cake isn't even edible it's just wood or something to keep it together. I finish the episode and it's nearly time for me to go to work. I quickly get changed and make my way outside. I lock the door and see the neighbours door open and movers taking all there stuff out and putting it into a van. I walk down the street and make my way to the pastry shop. So they are moving out. I'm relieved but a bit upset. Like they were awful neighbours but I'll miss our fights. I walk into the shop and tie my hair up.


I pick up my phone and flick through Twitter. I swear everything is other hate or people complaining about naughty boy. Who I've never liked, I've never liked his music even his la la la song by sam smith. Which upset me because sam smith is amazing. I also don't like naughty boy because he has said so much shit about Louis and Directioners, and he is just a dick. I see people sending me shit and I am sort of over it.

If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all...

I lean on the chair and continue to scroll through my feed. I see something pop up that makes me confused so I click on it.

@daniinell You should really keep out of other people's business, I've said nothing bad towards you.

I laugh at his tweet and run my hand through my hair. What the hell is going on?

@NaughtyBoyMusic I wasn't even aiming that at you... But if the shoe fits...

Why would I be talking about him? Just because he is a dick I don't care about him. Like what the fuck?

@daniinell real mature... At least I am not dating someone for publicity.

Hold the fuck up. Is he serious? I start laughing hard.

@NaughtyBoyMusic I own a shop, I'm at uni & I have a loving boyfriend, I couldn't care less about fame... No you aren't dating someone but you sure are using someone

I look at the clock and see my lunch break is over. Aww but I was enjoying this so much. I close my phone and start serving people. I just want to keep replying to NB.

@NaughtyBoyMusic yes we are all aware of your relationship status...

@daniinell wow congratulations on your success... Just talk to me when you are a record producer.

@daniinell wow you need to get your boyfriend to fight your fights?

@NaughtyBoyMusic sorry that I have a job and a life outside of Twitter... Last I knew anyone could put songs on Soundcloud...

@NaughtyBoyMusic at least I have someone to fight my fights

@daniinell always will love #TeamDouisforever

I flick through Twitter and see that NB, Louis and my "fight" is trending all over Twitter. I flick through it and see people saying Louis and I slay and how they now know why Louis and I are together. Team Douis forever is trending as well. Fuck I love Louis and his fandom.

@Louis_Tomlinson always and forever boo x

I send the tweet and suddenly my phone starts ringing. I answer it straight away hear the sweetest voice.

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