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Danis POV

"Caitlin." I smile walking into the shop. It's been a few weeks since the Eric... Incident and I haven't seen him since. Which has made me very happy.

"What's up?" She asks.

"When did Harry tell you he loved you?" I ask.

"On our one month anniversary why?" She asks.

"Because Louis hasn't said it yet and we've been dating for like two months... What if he doesn't love me?" I exclaim.

"Nell, he loves you, you can see it in the way he looks at you and zones out whenever you walk into a room. It's what I do when Harrys in the room." She explains.

"I love him so much and I just want to tell him but I don't want to be the first one to say it." I sigh.

"He will say it sooner or later." She smiles.

"I really hope it's sooner." I mumble and walk to the counter.

I lean on the counter and stare at the table where Parker is seated. He is four years old and his family are regulars, they normally ask us to look after him while, they shop, he hates shopping like me, but loves it here. We give him little treats when he helps out. He is actually so adorable. He has dark hair and rosy red cheeks.

"Parker do you want to do something?" I ask. The shop is really quiet, caitlin has gone shopping for more ingredients and it is only me and a new worker called Jack working.

"Like what?" He asks sitting up.

"I don't know, maybe Jack will do something with you, do you want to ask him?" I ask and watch Parker walk into the back room. I hear the door open and turn the music down considering it's quite high.

"What does it take to get a tea around here?" A familiar British voice says. I look at the counter and see Louis, he is in tracksuit pants and an Adidas jumper.

"Louis? What are you doing here?" I ask smiling, looking up at the figure in front of me I walk to the other side of the counter so I'm standing directly in front of him. I haven't seen Louis in like a month and a half because of the tour.

"I really missed you, I'm only here for two days though." He sighs.

"I really missed you too." I sigh and passionately kiss him, I wrap my arms around his neck and he snakes his arms around my waist.

"God I love kissing you." Louis says and I slightly frown. Why can't he just say that without the word kissing in it. "What's wrong?" Louis asks obviously seeing my mood slightly drop.

"Nothing, I'm really happy you are here. I love how you came to see me." I say and emphasising on the word love. I walk back behind the counter and look out the window.

"Love I know you, something's bothering you." Louis says as something outside catches my eyes.

"Fuck." I say and run out the shop. I see a car speeding down the road and quicken my speed. "Parker get off the road." I shout. Parker doesn't hear me and the car draws near I see the person is texting. Why is he even out here? I run onto the road and push the four year old gently off the road as the car hits me and I smash my head on the road. I let out a painful scream and I move my hand to my head and feel the blood. I can tell there is quite a bit. I feel really drowsy and my head is in unbearable pain.

"Fuck, babe, oh my god. Love you need to stay with me. Please just stay with me." I can hear Louis say, his voice sounds very far away. Fear is audible in his voice and I want to tell him I am fine, words though are not able to form. "I love you, I love you so much, please just stay awake." I hear him cry and I feel his perfect lips kissing my forehead. Finally he said I love you, really me getting hit by a car got it out of him? I feel my eyes starting to close and try and fight it until it's impossible to fight and I let my eyes close.


Caitlin's POV

God I hate hospitals. I can feel the death and sickness. I look at Danis limp body and want to cry. There has been double the paps around here, some are here just for Danis injury and saying she is heroic for saving Parkers life others are just here because Dani is Louis girlfriend and Louis is here. All the boys are flying over even though we told them not to. They are only here for like a day before leaving to continue the tour.

"Wake up. God I need to talk to you, it's not easy trying to be a psychologist on a coma patient." I sigh. Danis only been out for a day but still a day without talking to your best friend feels like a life time. I am the only one who has seen her, louis tried to sneak in but the nurses and doctors are keeping him in the waiting room. I am surprised they let me in though. Apparently Danielle put me as family on her medical form when she came in a few weeks ago. I didn't even know why she came in, but I am not worrying about that now.

"Well since you aren't going to be talking I guess I could tell you things, I am not sure if you can hear me but I will take my chances... So because you are sort of famous and Louis insisted, you have a private room so you won't wake up with a random laying in the bed next to you." I smile. "Louis pretty shaken up, when I found out he had blood on his hands and on his top and was crying, I've never seen anyone cry that hard... Except you, but that was for a complete different reason. He isn't allowed to come in because he isn't family. Thanks by the way for putting me as family on your forms... The rest of the boys are coming tomorrow, they will be leaving the day after so if you wake up you will see them... Your actual family say they are coming in a few days, they all blame themselves for it which is really frustrating me, I don't know how I've put up with them for so long." I look at dani and see she still hasn't moved except for the slight rise and fall of her chest. "The shops doing ok, lots of people have stopped by the shop to tell me that they are praying for you and that they can't wait for you to get better... The doctors said you could be in this coma for a very long time, I really hope they are wrong... Just open your eyes." I say and feel tears streaming down my face. I hear a knock on the door and turn my head to see the nurse.

"Visiting hours are up I'm sorry." The nurse says.

"I'll be seeing you tomorrow." I whisper and walk out the room. I look at her in her room and she looks horrible with the tube down her throat and the needles in her arm. I see Louis in the waiting room with his head in his hands. "Louis, time to go." I say and he looks up at me, his eyes bloodshot and puffy. He stands up and wraps me in big bear hug and I just cry into his chest. I wouldn't normally cry especially in front of Louis but the person we love is lying on a hospital bed unconscious, I think I can let this one slide.

"Let's just get back to your apartment." Louis says he sounds broken. I nod my head and wipe my tears away. We leave the hospital pushing past the paps which are definitely making the situation worse. Louis drives and within minutes we are at my apartment. I open the door and see that the lights on. I swear I turned the lights off this morning. I cautiously walk through the door and see Harry.

"Harry?" I say and my voice cracks. He quickly wraps his arms around me and I cry onto his chest. God what the hell, do I cry into everyone's chests?

"I'm here." He whispers and I continue to cry.

"I'm going to bed." Louis says with pure sadness.

"It will be ok." Harry says, louis doesn't say anything and just makes his way into Danis room. I don't know if what Harry says helps but I know I need to believe it. She will ok. Everything will be ok.


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