The Text

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"I want to... But I shouldn't." Caitlin says for like the one hundredth time since we got home.

"Just freaking do it." I tell her getting annoyed. She just keeps staring at Harrys number wanting to send him a message.

"No." She shakes her head.

"Fine give my your phone." I reply and take her phone.

"Nell, what are you doing?" She asks scared.

"There." I respond and throw her phone after sending harry a text saying: hey it was very nice to meet you today.

"Danielle." Caitlin whines.

"Hey at least it wasn't something like, omg I love you so much marry me, or something like that." I reply.

"True." She shrugs. "But I hate you."

"I love you too." I smirk blowing her a kiss as her phone buzzes.

"Omg its Harry." She squeals and I laugh. I turn the television on and watch family feud.


Caitlin's POV

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... I've never been so freaking happy in my whole entire life. The Harry Styles is texting me! Me! Like omfg! I'm me and he is him, and he is texting me! I feel like I am in a dream. Or I am dead... Maybe this is what heaven is like.

"What the hell caitlin, this isn't heaven." Dani laughs.

"Was I saying all that?" I ask surprised.

"No, I am just really good at mind reading." Dani sarcastically says.

"Maybe you should be a psychic instead of a forensic anthropologist." I tell dani.

"You are a genius, I will be right back." Dani says picking up the phone.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

"I'm calling the university to tell them I'm dropping out." She laughs and puts the phone back down. We both laugh and I feel my phone buzz again. I see its a text from Harry and I eagerly open it. I read the text and scream. "Fucking hell Caitlin." Dani yells hitting me with a pillow.

"HARRY.... HARRY... HARRY." I stutter.

"Sp...spp... Spit it out." Dani says, and I give her evils.

"HARRY ASKED ME ON A DATE!" I squeal and fall on the couch, but the springs bounce and I fall off the couch making Dani and I burst into laughter.

"He wants the c." Dani smirks.

"I want the H." I reply and we both start laughing again.

"Here have some water you thirsty bitch." Dani laughs throwing me a water bottle making me laugh harder.

"Oh no stop I'm gonna pee." I say and dani just holding her ribs and I can see teas forming in her eyes.

"Ow oh it hurts." Dani says through laughter. We both settle down and then I start laughing again. "Why are you still laughing?" Dani asks starting to laugh again.

"Because you dropped a sticky tape holder on your foot in front of Louis and Harry." I explain and we both start laughing again. Man I'm going to have abs for my date.

"Nell I have no clothes." I yell looking at my bed where all my clothes are.

"Yes you... Holy shit caitlin." Dani says and starts laughing.

"This isn't funny I have nothing to wear for my date tonight." I whine.

"That's sounds like a personal problem I don't need to be involved in." Dani says and walks out my room.

"Danielle Jane get your arse back in here." I shout.

"I'm not good at this stuff though." Dani whines and lays on a bit of my bed that doesn't have any clothes on it.

"Yes I know but you are honest and will tell me when I look like shit so I need that side of you to come out." I explain.

"Fine, you look like shit right now." Dani says.

"Well good thing I didn't want to go on the date in my pjs." I reply back.

"You should just go in my one direction onesie." Dani says and I glare at her.

"Great idea." I joke.

"I am full of great ideas." Dani tells me and I shake my head smiling.

"That is the one." Dani yells for the fourth time and I look at myself in the mirror and scrunch up my nose.

"I don't like it." I say and dani puts her head in a pillow and screams making me laugh.

"You want my honest opinion?" Dani asks standing up.

"That's why your here." I reply.

"I think you look amazing and you have looked great in the last seventeen fucking dresses before and harry will think you look fucking on point he doesn't care what you wear he would probably go crazy if you didn't wear anything, you are only dressing to impress yourself and even if you thought you looked amazing you would be like no I hate it as soon as harry gets to the door... so shut up stay in that dress and harry will love it." Dani blurts out annoyed.

"Wow..." I say and look at dani. "But I don't like this one, maybe I will put one of the other ones on."

"I'm done, I'm fucking done." Dani says leaving my room.

I look at my dresses and pick up my light blue dress and put it on. It was the one I liked the best even though I don't really like it on me. I wish I was Dani... Well not her but I looked like her, she looks fine in everything and me I just don't. I am the one that tries to look nice and dani just doesn't try at all and she just looks nice and I just look like crap... So not fair. I walk out my room and see dani sitting with a tub of yoghurt.

"Hey look you finally found a dress." Dani says turning to me.

"Yes I did." I say and sit on the couch opposite her. I love our apartment its like our shop, nice and cozy and its us.

"So what time is you knight in shining armour coming to pick you up?" Dani asks scooping up some yoghurt.

"Harry is picking me up at 6." I say looking at the clock.

"So in an hour... Better pretty your face up." Dani says putting the back of her fingers under her chin.

Dani's POV

I walk around in my pjs holding my yoghurt and dancing to heart attack. The neighbours are use to Caitlin and I being sort of loud at times. I'm glad they don't mind even if they did I don't think would really care.

"Fuck." Caitlin says and I walk to her and see she is putting eyeliner on her top lid. She isn't very good at doing eyeliner for her top eyelid.

"Looking good." I smirk and Caitlin just flips me off.

"I can't do it." She whines.

"Let me do it then." I say walking up to her. I'm happy that the only girly thing I can really do is make up.

"If you mess my face up imma kill you." Caitlin says.

"I don't think I can mess it up more than you already have." I laugh.

"Shut up." Caitlin remarks smirking.

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