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Danis POV

"Dani and Louis sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G..." Sophie and Cory sing and I throw my pencil at them.

"Shut up." I laugh.

I think it was a bad idea to tell them two. I didn't see Louis yesterday or hear from him which made me kind of sad but, I have been good at hiding it. I walk to the back room and start cleaning the benches. It is almost closing time and Louis again hasn't come in. I knew this would happen. It was just a few kisses, some amazing kisses.

"Fuck." I scream as I cut myself with the knife I am cleaning. "Ow, ow, ow." I cry getting to the first aid kit. I get out a cloth and put pressure on my hand. I feel the pain shoot through my hand.

"Are you ok?" Caitlin asks walking through the back door with Harry. I nod my head holding back tears.

"What happened?" Harry asks concerned seeing the blood.

"You know me being clumsy and all." I reply wincing and tying a bandage over my cut.

"I have to go, see you babe, bye dani." Harry says and waves and leaves.

"What's wrong?" Caitlin asks walking up to me.

"Nothing I just cut my hand." I respond.

"Nell I am your best friend and have known you for years I know it's more than that, so tell me." She says.

"Can we just go home and eat frozen yoghurt and Nutella?" I ask and she nods her head. Thankfully we brought the car today, I did not feel like walking at all. It takes like five minutes to get home. We walk upstairs and get the yoghurt and Nutella and sit on the couch. I take a spoonful and it's amazing.

"Ok now tell me what's wrong?" Caitlin asks me.

"I know it will sound stupid and I shouldn't be upset but..." I drift off.

"Louis hasn't spoken to you or come into the shop since you kissed." Caitlin finishes off and I nod my head. I'm glad she said it and I didn't, I'm also glad that caitlin is so close that she knows what's wrong.

"Like I knew it would happen, but I was hoping he would be different." I comment and look down.

"Well he is a dick, and he has just ruined what would of been a perfectly good relationship." Caitlin tells me.

"But he was such a great kisser." I frown and Caitlin laughs.

Caitlin's POV
Instead of cheering Danielle up I decided to let her mope around and be upset, she isn't one to really get upset over things and she doesn't like being a downer around other people, even me. We have been sitting in the lounge room just watching chick flicks and eating yoghurt. I have been texting harry throughout the movies and I don't think Dani is really paying attention to the movie anyway. I pause the movie and Dani looks at me.

"Thank god, I like chick flicks, but they are all the same romantic sappy shit." Dani sighs and I smile.

"Do you want to pick another movie or do you just want to call it quits?" I ask.

"Let's watch bones, I need to do some sort of study." Dani replies and I laugh as their is a knock on the door.

"Ok I get the door, you get bones." I say and dani nods her head. I walk to the door curious to who would be here at this hour. It's 9pm so it is probably our neighbours, although that's unlikely because we haven't been loud. I don't like our neighbours they are always making complaints about Dani and I being loud, when half the time we aren't even being loud. We have made an agreement though that we get to have at least a night where we are loudish every two weeks. Although we aren't loud, just our music is. I open the door and see Harry standing there. I look at him confused but then give him a smile. "Hi, what are you doing here?" I ask confused.

"I felt like seeing my girlfriend." Harry smiles and I can see his cute little dimples. He is in a black top and skinny jeans and his hair is in a bun. I think I might have mentioned that I like when he has a bun because now when I see him he almost always is in a bun.

"If you want to come into this emotional apartment be my guest." I say stepping aside to let Harry in.

"God I'm not that emotional." Dani yells from the tv room, I can hear the intro music for bones and smile. Harry walks in and I lead him to the lounge room.

"Hey Dani." Harry says waving.

"Hi." Dani replies with a small smile. I sit down on the couch and harry sits next to me.

"I feel bad that you came here and we are just watching TV." I say to Harry.

"Caitlin their hotel is like two minutes away it isn't like he came from London." Dani comments.

"How do you know where our hotel is?" Harry asks.

"One Louis told me two it's all over Twitter." Dani replies and presses play on the disk. I slightly smile and rest my head on Harrys shoulder. He moves his arm so it was around me and my head moves to his chest. He is very comfy and he smells amazing.

"You've got to love Twitter." Harry mutters.

"Without Twitter you wouldn't have won as many awards that you have." I tell him, staring into his green eyes.

"That is true." Harry responds twirling my hair.

"Stop." Dani says.

"Stop what?" I ask looking at her.

"Stop being all coupley." Dani replies making me laugh.

"Aww are you feeling unloved over there?" Harry asks.

"Aww I love you bibs." I say getting off the couch and walk over to Dani and give her a hug and lay on her.

"Eh, get off me." She whines and I feel something on top of me.

"Only want to make you feel the love." Harry says.

"You are going to crush me." Dani yells but it's muffled by Harry and I being on top of her.

"But we'll crush you with looovveee." I respond and we all laugh.

"Get off, I feel your love, I can feel it crushing my ribs and pelvis." Dani groans trying to push me and Harry off her.

"Good." I say and kiss her check. Harry and I get off her and she gives me evils. We sit back on the other couch and continue to watch the show. I kiss Harrys lips and snuggle up to him.

"I like this." Harry whispers.

"Me too." I smile and feel my cheeks blush.

"I would if you weren't so loud and annoying." Dani comments.

"You can leave." I tell Dani.

"Wow, all that love... Vanished." She replies and we all laugh. The rest of the night consists of us all laughing and chatting and watching bones. All in all it was one of the best nights I've had for a very long time.


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