Zayns Departure Day

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Danis POV

Damn it Zayn! Why the fuck would you do that? Like why? I feel like my hearts been ripped out. I'm so angry at him. Why would he do that? He has a fucking tour to be on. God those fans that were so excited for 5/5 are going to be heart broken. I feel so bad for slightly knowing him and people have never seen him in person. I walk to my favourite frozen yoghurt shop and walk to the counter.

"Hey dani." The shop keeper says.

"Hi cass." I reply giving her a small smile.

"You hear the news?" She asks, she is a directioner and she freaked out when she found out I was dating Louis.

"Yeah, shit huh?" I ask as she hands me my regular.

"Yeah." She sighs. I give her a wave good bye and walk out the door, I make my way down the road when I see Eric. Just what I fucking need.

"Elle, what a surprise." Eric says walking up to me.

"Fuck off I'm so not in the mood." I respond pushing past him.

"I don't care." Eric says grabbing my arm tightly and pulling me into his car.

"Can't you just piss off? God haven't you fucked my life up enough?" I yell tears streaming my face. He doesn't say anything just tightens his grip on the steering wheel. He drives off and I continue to cry. We get to an abandoned house and Eric stops the car. I immediately stop crying and look from the house to Eric.

"Get out!" He shouts making me flinch.

"I'm not going in there, especially with you." I tell him.

"It wasn't a discussion." Eric responds and gets out the door and quickly makes his way to my door. He opens it up and roughly pulls me out the car and into the house.

"Eric let go of me!" I yell and he slaps me across the face.

"You know you had one job to not tell your family." Eric says roughly pushing me onto the floor making a pain shoot up my back. "It's a good thing they didn't believe you." He continues with an evil grin. "However... You broke your word." I shut my eyes tightly and place my hands under my back as the pain gets worse. I hear his footsteps getting closer to mine. "Bad decision... Now you will know how bad of a decision it was." He shouts.


I am numb, I feel nothing. I open my eyes and see I am on a bed in a unfamiliar room. I sit up and see my arms are bound. And my back starts throbbing.

"Elle, baby your awake, perfect timing." Eric says walking through the door. I don't say anything except glare at him. He sits on the bed and places his hand on my thigh and I kick it off. His grip on my leg tightens and I wince. "You can fight it as much as you like but, we both know I always get what I want." He grins moving down so his face is just touching mine. He crashes his lips onto mine and there is no spark or anything. I don't kiss him back and try to move my mouth away. He bites my lip hard and I let out a cry in pain. As my mouth opens he pushes his tongue into it. One of his hands moves up my top and he aggressively grabs my boob. I wriggle my body trying to get him off me but this just infuriates him. He quickly moves my hands to my pants and starts biting my neck and down my body. Tears stream down my face as he takes his clothes off and starts pulling at my pants.

"Stop please just stop, I won't tell anyone about it again I swear," I cry out.

"If you really think I will trust your word again your wrong." Eric replies before causing unbearable pain through my body.

Caitlin's POV

I flick through the tv and I swear every fucking channel is about Zayn. Where the fuck is Nell? She has been gone for ages. She probably went for a walk or something to clear her head. I don't know, but it's late, and sadly I have work tomorrow. Harry hasn't called again but he is busy, I'm pretty sure he is on stage at the moment anyway. I pick up my phone and move into my room. I fall onto my comfortable bed and fall asleep.


If you love somebody...

I swipe my phone across and turn off my alarm. I look at the time and see its 6:30. Shit was meant to be up an hour ago. I sluggishly walk to the bathroom and clean myself, I feel like shit, I'm still upset about Zayn. I put my head under the shower head and wash my hair. I get out and dry myself before walking back to my bedroom and getting changed. I pick up my phone and see I have a few messages.

I'm guessing you're asleep, I'm sorry for not calling earlier, I love you x H

I love when he says he loves me.

It's ok, maybe later tonight? Love you too xx C

I click on the next message and am kind of confused when I see its from Louis.

This may be an odd question... Have you heard from Dani? She hasn't been returning my texts- L

Caitlin have you heard from her? She never ignores my texts! Is she ok? -L

Sorry I was asleep, I haven't seen her since yesterday but I assure you she is fine, when I see her next I will get her to call you. -C

I put my phone down and walk out my room, I walk into Danis room and see she isn't in there. Maybe she is already at work? I quickly have breakfast and make my way to the shop. I get inside and see no one is here. That's really odd, where the hell is she?


Now I'm really concerned Dani didn't show up for work, if she isn't at home I'm calling someone. I open the door to my apartment and hear faint sobs coming from Danis bedroom.

"Dani is that you?" I ask loudly so she can hear me.

"Yeah." She replies, her door still closed.

"Where were you?" I question walking up to her door and trying to open it but it's locked.

"Out." She answers and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever, Louis is concerned and he wants you to call him." I tell her. I don't hear anything from her and walk into the bathroom to have a shower.

Danis POV

"Love, I'm so glad you called... Are you ok? I thought you had died." Louis says through the phone. Tears fall down my face as I look at my reflection in the mirror. I wish I was dead. I have bruises on my face and all over my body including scratches and scars. Plus my whole body aches.

"Im fine, just miss you." I slightly lie. I do miss him, a lot, that just isn't the biggest thing on my mind right now.

"I miss you too..." Louis sighs and I move to my bed and lie down. I bite the inside of my mouth stopping myself from letting out a cry of pain.

"How are you feeling? You know with Zayn leaving and all?" I ask.

"I've been better... But he will always be my bro, and I love him, so him leaving sucks but I will still hangout with him." Louis replies and I slightly nod my head.

"That's good." I reply running my hand over my neck.


"I could easily end you right now..." Eric says wrapping a hand around my neck tightly making it hard to breathe. "But, I would much rather have you alive." He finishes and continues to have his hand around my throat and then pulls away making me repeatedly cough. I am not sure why... But as Eric was beating me and doing the other things... I kept screaming for Louis to help me. Causing Eric to get extremely angry. Hence the reason he tried to strangle me.

***end of flashback***

"Nell... You still there?" Louis asks from the other side of the phone.

"Yeah, sorry just zoned out... Umm... I'm really tired... I think I might just get to bed... Night." I say and hang up. I roll onto my side and cry into my pillow.


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