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Rolling around in the kitchen Clancy looked over at her fiancé "I need you to fix my wheel chair...it's not moving around like it's pose too" she looked up at him with her chocolate eyes.  Watching him keeping his back towards her Clancy closed her eyes tightly, breathing in and out heavily.

"If you don't want to fix it...just say so....I'll just get my father to fix it for me" Clancy slowly rolled herself closer to her man, grabbing a hold of his arm she gave it a tight squeeze. Watching him slowly turn to face her a  bit of hope formed "what....what is wrong?" The young woman asked in a faint voice, afraid of what he might say to her or even what he might do.

"I'll fix it alright! I just have a lot going on right now....worrying about you and that stupid giant that comes to town and eats my people!" The older man swings his arm out of his girls grasp. Backing away from her Hank ran and hand down his face in disgust "your just to much" he said walking out of the room.

Sitting in the kitchen Clancy looked down at her hands "just should of gotten my father to fix it.....it would save so many problems if I just asked him" Clancy uses her arm to wipe the tears out of her eyes. Once her eyes are nice and dry Clancy wheeled her way out of the house, heading down the lane way she let out a long sigh "just once I want hank to love me for me and....stop making me like fucking shit"

"Hank being an idiot again?"

Looking over to see her next door neighbour leaning over the fence she gave a warm smile "yeah he is....I asked him to fix my wheel chair but he made a huge deal about it"

"I should never asked....he's going through a lot of shit with worrying about me....and the massive giant coming here and eating people left to right"

"He's an ass...he shouldn't treat you like that" Martian slowly made his way around the fence. Shoving his hands into his pocket Martian gave a warm smile "between me and you I really hope the giant eats him"

"I love my man to death but I agree with that especially some days when he acts likes this" Clancy replied slowly wheeling her way over to him.

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