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Sitting on the massive Cliff's shoulder she slowly looked up at him. "So...is there a mrs or a mr?" Clancy asked, trying her best to brake the awkward silence between the two.

"No....just me and me alone...I have no partner" cliff looked down her than back at the food he's preparing for them to eat. Carefully flipping the eggs Cliff glanced back down "since you asked me hu- Clancy....do you have a partner?"

Looking down Clancy bit her lip "honestly I don't know...right now him and I are rocky" the young woman robbed the back of her neck. Remembering what hand did to her the past few days "I'm sure him and I will work it out"

"So....Cliff what do you do when you know...not eating us humans or is that the only thing you do?" Clancy asked lifting her arms over her head just in case the giant swats at her. When nothing happened she slowly lowers them back down to her lap "you...you don't have to answer it if she you don't want to"

Looking down at her he couldn't help but laugh "your a jumpy little thing aren't" Cliff looked down at her while sliding the egg onto the plate.

"I make things out of wood...like chairs doll house and clocks...stuff like that" Cliff  said scooping her up. Holding the tiny woman in front of his eyes he shook the thought out of his head "here eat up just be carful it's hot"

Slowly placing her down by the plate Cliff bit his lip when her cool skin slid a crossed his fingers. "The eggs are just like mom use to make...hope you like it...if not I'll find you something else" Cliff shoved his hands into his pocket while rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Eggs are good...thank you cliff"

"Well I'll leave you to eat...I have to take care of this older I have to finish up...I'll be in the next room if you need anything"

"I'll keep that in mind"
Closing the door behind him cliff ran a hand down his face "Dude what the fuck is wrong with you....you had so many chances to eat her" Cliff clenched his hand into a tight fist until his knuckles turned pure white.

Walking over to his bed he fell on top of it "okay cliff when she's sleeping and hate when you eat her....cause with her brown eyes makes it makes it so much harder"

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