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Laying on the massive pillow Clancy wrapped her arms around her. "Are you sure you don't mind me being in your bed? I mean I can sleep on the couch" Clancy suggested.

"I would rather have you in here...case I don't your people show up....or if you need something" cliff looked over at her.

"Yeah that's true...you probably can't hear me if I was in the other room...but tomorrow I should really head back home...to let me family know that I'm okay" the young woman rubbed the back of her neck with her left hand.

"Yeah that's fine...if I let you go I better not see you bring back an army of people" Cliff crossed his arms over his chest. But when he saw her little head drop after his comment he let out a heavy sigh "okay...I'll drop you off at the park in the morning...but you will have to come back with me at night tho" Ciff said while slipping off his shirt.

Watching the massive man dropping his shirt at the corner of her eye, Clancy looked over at him and when she saw his muscular body her mouth dropped open.

Quickly looking away Clancy started to play with her hair "I think I'm ready for bed...had a very long day...and don't worry I don't snore or anything" the young woman spoke a little to fast.

"You like what you see?" Cliff slowly climbed into bed and laying his head down next to her. "I'm just joking...if you want me put my shirt back on I can" Cliff looked over at her with his green eyes.

"No....no your fine...just a warning next time please" Clancy looked over at him.

"Will do...now get some sleep"

Slowly nodding her head Clancy slowly laid down in the mountain of a pillow "alright...night cliff" the young woman whispers.
12 am

Looking over to see the young woman shaking in her sleep Cliff slowly reaches over. Carefully wrapping his hand around her small form, cliff slowly moved her to his chest "here...this should warm you up....giants never get cold" the massive man whispers as he carful rubs her back with his pointer finger.

Watching the tiny girl body rise and fall with every breath she took he couldn't help but smile when she felt her little body snuggling into to him.

"Night Clancy"

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