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Sitting on the park bench with her wheel chair close by the woman woman sighed. Slowly pulling her book out of her little bag Clancy flipped through the pages until she landed on a drawing she made of cliff.

Running her hand down the picture a single tear landed by her hand "I miss you...hope we can reconcile with each other" the young woman closed her eyes tightly. Holding the book close to her chest she didn't see few men sneaking up until it was to late.

Feeling the firm arms wrapping around her Clancy looked back in panic to see Hank. "Let me go now else I'll scream....and if I scream you better run" the young hissed dangerously

"Oh I wouldn't do that if I was you.....your going ti regret what you did to me" Hank looked over his shoulder as a few more men made their way over to them.

Hearing the duck tap getting pulled a part behind her Clancy's eyes went wide
Arriving at the park Cliff looked around with worry in his eyes "Clancy....come on I know you're here....please come out" the massive man slowly got down to his knees so he could get a closer look.

"Man you need to listen when I call you" Kristen slowly walked up. Placing her hand on his leg the young woman pants heavily "I don't think she's here"

"She has to be....I can smell her scent....and I smell someone else too" Cliff balled his one hand into a tight fist.

Slowly moving herself away from the massive man Kristan saw something sparkle at the corner of her eyes. Quickly walking over her eyes widen in horror "she's in danger...she never leaves her drawing book or wheel chair" Kristan looked over at cliff.

Hearing her words Cliff's eyes grew dangerous "you stay here I don't want you seeing what I'm about to do to the person who has my Clancy"

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