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Rolling up to the park her eyes landed on the massive man laying in the middle of the park rubbing his stomach. Bitting her lip Clancy slowly made her way over to him "how many did you eat?" her timid voice asked.

Watching the massive man turn his attention over to her Clancy gave a small wave. "You must ate a lot if you're rubbing your stomach"

Hearing her words the giant chuckled "Yeah I ate pretty good...not going to tell you how many tho" he chucked.

Rubbing the back of her neck Clancy nodded in agreement "yeah please don't tell me...I really don't want to know" she glanced up at him while wheeling herself over to him. As she's getting closer and closer her eyes went wide, realizing even laying he's massive.

"So...what are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be hiding with the others?" The man raised and eyebrow.

"Well...you told me to visit you...didn't you? So I'm here" Clancy looked away from him. Cause she didn't want this stranger to know why she came to the park early.

"Yeah at night....but it's what ever" the massive man reached over and plucked the tiny woman out of her chair. Placing her down onto his chest the massive man placed a hand behind her, just in case she tries to get away from him.

Feeling his heart beating underneath her Clancy bit her lip "how long are you going to stay here?" Clancy looked up at him. Hopping her question won't make him mad at her "if...you don't want to answer you don't have too" she put her hands up.

Watching the young girl putting her hands up the man couldn't help but laugh "probably soon...or visit the town I haven't decided yet" he shrugged.

"Why don't you skip the town today...and just stay home and relax...I mean you come here all the time don't you think you need a brake?" Clancy asked rubbing the back of her neck.

"Hmm I could but where's the fun in that? And besides your humans are so tasty" he smirked down at her, causing chills to run down her back.

"How old where you...and how did you start eating us humans?" Clancy asked. But seeing his eyes darken she quickly looked away "sorry for asking...it was stupid of me to ask" the young woman quickly hid her face behind her hair.

While hiding behind her hair police sirens could be heard coming towards them. Feeling the massive man moving underneath her, Clancy let out a surprise yelp.

"Your coming with me" the massive man said, dropping the tiny woman into his front pants pocket as he stood up to his full height.

Rolling into the corner of the pocket Clancy face went deep red when she realized she's near his crotch . "Hey! What are you doing let me out!" Clancy punched him with all her might.

"Not right now" the man hissed as he quickly picked up her wheel chair and walked off

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