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"Cliff I didn't kiss him....he kissed me" Clancy wheels herself over to the massive man. But when she saw him balling his hands into a tightly fist she quickly stopped.

"I can't believe I let my guard down again....the biggest mistake I made was not eating you when I first laid my eyes on you" Cliff hissed.

Hearing his words Clancy's heart shattered into a million pieces "I thought you....changed but....your still a monster...and you will always be one" Clancy turned herself around so he wouldn't see the tears falling from her eyes. Wiping the tears out of her eyes Clancy quickly wheels herself towards the town
Sitting at the kitchen table Clancy looked down at the coffee "I told you everything Kristen....I don't know what else you want me to say" the young woman whispers.

"Still can't believe you almost had a relationship ship with the giant....but what he said was way out of line...and I'll fight him for it" Kristen leaned back, causing the chair to make a cracking sound.

"I don't want you too....he would eat you and I wouldn't be able to live with myself" Clancy looked at her friend with tears in her eyes.

"I just couldn't....Even tho we didn't know each other that long....I felt like him and I are soulmates cause there's something about being around him felt right" Clancy placed her hands over her face.

"Hey..hey don't cry" Kristen whispers as she placed her hand on her best friends elbow. "I'll go talk to him and I'll be fine don't worry okay"

Slowly moving her hands off of her face Clancy looked at her friend with her red eyes "don't....I mean it....I'm just going to go" Clancy looked down.

"Where are you going to sleep?"

"Don't worry I'll find something " Clancy said wheeling herself out the door

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