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Licking the blood out of the corner of his lips Cliff couldn't help but laugh. "You saw what happened to your friends...you better show yourself" cliff turned his attention to the building he tore apart.

"And let me tell ya they were delicious....and feeling them trashing down my throat made it ten times better" he chuckled as he crouched down in front of the building

Ripping the building out from his foundations Cliff tilted it to its side, causing everything to slide across the room. Seeing a tiny man sliding out from his hiding sport cliff laughed "there you are" Cliff dumped the tiny man into his hand.

"Your not going to get away with this....I have more men and they will go after you!" The man spat

"Well I'll do the same thing....as I did to the ones you just lost....I'll turn their bones into dust with my teeth" cliff wrapped his hand around the tiny man's form.

Gritting his teeth the man glares at the massive man before him "you....won't win....you will be stopped" the man shives when he saw blood on the massive man's teeth.

"I've been wining since 1700 hundreds....and I'll keep wining" Cliff tightens his grip even more until the man's bones start to brake.

Screaming in pain the massive man confidence slowly started to fade "why....me and my crew" the man asked as he couched up some blood.

"Cause you stole something that belongs to me...and I hate little bugs like you" Cliff hissed dangerously

"Oh....that girl we attack....you wanted her stuff......well it's my stuff now...and that stupid bitch had it-"

Before the man could finish his sentence Cliff tossed the tiny man into his mouth and bit down hard, cause blood to travel out of the corner of his mouth.

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