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Wheeling out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around her Clancy looked over at Hank "you want to talk about what the hell is going on and why you're acting like this?" Clancy wheeled up to him.

"There's nothing to talk about....all I know is my life hasn't been the same since I hooked up with you" Hank glanced over his shoulder. To see if he got a reaction of her "but I'll forgive you tho...cause your probably don't know any better" he shrugged.

Hearing his words cut her like a knife "Hank I never once cheated on you...and you blaming me for your life problems isn't right at all" Clancy looked at him with her tired eyes. Tried with everything this man has put her through but for some reason she still loves him.

Wheeling herself into the living room the Clancy quickly wiped her tears out of her eyes. "I'm going to head to bed...I'm not feeling that great so you'll have to deal with supper tonight.

"There's no food in the house...cause someone forgot to get groceries" Hank walked up behind her and quickly spines her around so she could look at him.

Looking up at him Clancy narrowed her eyes "why don't you go and get it? You know how hard it's for me to carry all the stuff home? I could use a little help once and a while" The young woman pushed her fiancé hand off of her wheel chair.

"Fine I'll go out and get the food...when I get back you better be ready to cook if" Hank grabbed the Keyes and headed out the door, making sure to slam it behind him.

Hearing the the door slam shut Clancy closed her eyes "I'm done...I'm leaving" she said, quickly wheeling over to her purse. Pulling out her phone the young woman turned off her location so that way Hank couldn't find her current location.

Slipping the phone back into her purse Clancy carefully placed it down onto her lap letting out a heavy breath. "It's going to be okay...you'll be alright"

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