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Sitting on the massive pillow Clancy slowly pulled out her little scratch book. Flipping through the pages Clancy held back her tears, seeing all the drawing she made of her ex fiancé.

Placing her hand over one of her faves, the young woman closed her eyes "here's to forever...yeah right" the young woman tore the picture out of her book. Crumping it ip into the ball Clancy tossed it over her shoulder "I need a new book....for a fresh start for me and for my drawings.

Hearing heavy foot steps coming towards her, the young woman quickly closed her book. Looking over her shoulder to see Cliff with a towel wrapped around his waist her face went red.

"Sorry...about the papers all over the bed....was tearing out some old drawings the I don't like anymore" Clancy said as she stumbles over her words.

"Don't worry about it....wait you draw?" Cliff walked over to the bed with a surprise look on his face. Slowly crouching in front of bed cliff gave her a smug look "what kind of drawings? You any good?" He reached over and took the tiny book out of her hands.

Holding the tiny book between his thumb and finger Cliff slowly held it back to her "well what ever you draw keep doing it" he looked down at her his eyes showing some softness in them.

Slowly looking over to see the white towel in line of vision the young woman quickly looked up at him. Seeing the water droplets travelling down his Muscular body Clancy bit her lip as she carful retrieved her book.

"I draw people...animals or anything the catches my eyes" she whispers, holding the book close to her chest. Just like a young kid would do with their stuff animal.

"Well that's pretty cool....well you better close your eyes cause I'm going to get dress" Cliff slowly pushes himself back up.

"Unless you want to see a show" he teased

"I...umm....I will pass" Clancy looked down at her hands

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