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As the movie credit slowly went up the screen Clancy looked up at him. "That was a good movie...is there more? Cause I want to see more Ron Weasley...cause I think the boy is hella cute"

"Yeah there's more....there's a lot more" Cliff leaned back into the couch. Slowly sliding himself down at bit Cliff looked over at the young woman who's sitting on the back of the couch. "Ron huh...you like him?"

Watching the massive man slouch down on the couch the young woman bit her lip. "Yeah he's funny and sweet...what's not to love about him" Clancy laughs softly.

Once getting her laughter under control the young woman started at the massive man. Looking in each other's eyes Clancy was the first to brake eye contact "how about you mr big shot...who's your favourite character?" The young woman crossed her arms over her chest.

Scratching his chin with his hand Cliff puckered his lips out "I like that girl Hermione she's bad ass" cliff looked over at the young woman with a smug look on his face.

"But she's a human....you hate humans Cliff" Clancy tilted her head to the side. Watching the massive man lick his lips, butterflies started to fly around in her stomach.

"Yeah I do...but she's still a bad ass" Cliff looked at her with his green eyes.

As they stared at each other what felt like a very long time Cliff slowly leaned in and gently kissed her tiny body.

Feeling his lips pressed against her small little form Clancy entire face went red. Slowly hugging the bottom of his lip Clancy presses her lip against...as her emotions went crazy.

As both pulled away Cliff rested her nose against her "sorry I don't know what came over me"

Hugging his chin Clancy couldn't help but laugh "I actually kinda like it.....even tho I'm still scared of you"

"Well...I kinda like it too"

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