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Watching the couple travel down his throat with no problem Clancy gulped nervously. Gripping the wheels of the wheel chair she gave it a quick jerk causing her fall flat on the ground. Slowly pushing herself up only to see people running past her, not giving her one glance broke her heart "wait! You guys can't leave me here!" The young woman reached her hand out.

Hearing foot steps running up behind her Clancy glanced over her shoulder to see four man running over to her. Quickly wrapping their arms around her a massive shadow engulfed all of them, causing each and every one of them to look up.

"Well it's my lucky night...more little snacks" the chuckled, sending vibrations through the humans bodies.

"Hey man let us go! You...you already ate people you still can be hungry" one man yelled as he quickly pulled a knife out of his pocket.

"Aww now that's fucking adorable" the massive man looms over. Showing the humans he's someone they shouldn't mess with "well what are you waiting for...fight me" the giant grins.

Seeing his pearly white teeth, Clancy quickly clawed at the grass trying her best to make her escape. Realizing she's not going anywhere she glared at her captor "Fuck You!"

"Oh honey... carful what you say" the giant laughed out loud witch only made the men even more pissed off with him.

As the giant was was busy laughing away at how scares the tiny humans are, a young man named Adam ran over and slammed his knife into the giants skin.

"Oh...that's it!" The giant snarled as he quickly scooped all of them up. "I'm growing ass man I shouldn't be playing with my food...well anyways bon appetite" The giant tossed all of them high in the air.

Finding herself falling back down to towards the ground Clancy eyes went wide when she saw the massive man's mouth underneath her. And one by one she saw the men who tried to save her disappear in the giants mouth.

Luckily for her she found herself falling onto his chin "no no no" she quickly grabbing hold onto his stubbles that's growing on his face. Holding onto dear life she felt her hands starting to slip and before she knew it she found herself falling right into his front pants pocket.

The Man Eater Where stories live. Discover now