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"I was eight....eight years old when I first ate a human....and that's when I found out humans taste good and I wanted to keep doing it" cliff looked at the young woman who's sitting on his nose.

"What lead up to you eating a human....did something happen?" Clancy asked as she gave the massive man a pat on his nose.

"It was a warm summer day"

Flash back

"Look there he is laying in the meadow...you know what to do right....tell him you like him...than tell him where to meet you for a play date...than me and the boys will take care of him" the man looked down at his young child.

"Okay daddy" the young girl looked over at the massive boy laying in the meadow. Taking a deep breath the young child slowly made her way over to the massive boy.

Crossing her arms over her chest Mallory walked back and forth on her heels. "Hey Cliff!" The child cupped over her mouth to make her voice a little bit louder for him.

"Mallory?" Cliff looked over at the tiny child with a confused look on his face. "What...what are you doing here" cliff asked as he rolled over onto his stomach.

"I like you a lot Cliff...and I was wondering if you and I can hang out later...for a little play date...just me and you"

Hearing her words Cliffs smile grew "I love too....when do you want to have this play" cliff looked at her with sparkles in his eyes.

Looking back at the tree lines Mallory looked back up at him "how about now?" She asked giving him a warm smile.

Before Cliff could scoop her up and give her a gentle hug bullets rang from the tree line. Lifting his arm up to shield his face from the arrows with fire Cliff lips started to quiver.

"Stop! Please!" Cliff whimpers as the men started to come from out of the tree lines. As the kept shooting them Cliff swung his hand at them, but when the kept shooting Cliff's sad eyes grew dangerously.

Snatching all the men up onto his fist "I said stop!" Cliff yelled at them as he tossed the men into his mouth. As he swallowed all of them at once Cliff wiped the tears out of his eyes.

Looking down at his so called friend Cliff glared at her "leave now.....or your next like your father" he hissed

"Your a freak!" Mallory yelled as she took off running

Watching her run off Cliff likes his lips....starting to like the toast of the humans he ate not to long ago

"Hate all humans....that's my motto"

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