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Rolling herself up the laneway Clancy kept her eyes glued to the ground. Reliving what just happened over and over again "once I get inside I'm going to take a very long bath...and try to forget what happened tonight"

Making her way up the ramp to their home the front door swung open with such force it made a loud cracking noise when it hit the wall. Looking up to see her fiancé standing in the door frame with his arms crossed his chest, Clancy knew she's in trouble.

"And where have you been? Let me guess out cheating on me? Like you always do" Hank looked down at her with disgust.

"Hank...I just went to the park to get some fresh air and listen to the bad that was playing....that's all I swear" Clancy wheeled up to him.

"Can you please move to the side so I can go and take a bath...I could really use one right now...after the night I had" the young woman ran a hand down her face.

"Night...how bad could your night be hmm? Please Clancy tell me how bad your night was...come on...I'm waiting" Hank tapped his foot on the deck obnoxiously.

Closing her eyes tightly Clancy let out a frustrated sigh "the giant almost killed me again tonight...so please move aside so I can go take my bubble bath" Clancy pleas.

Stepping out of her way Hank couldn't help but laugh "hey...it's your fault....now if you stayed out and be a good fiancé nom of this would've happened" Hank shrugged.

Looking over her shoulders Clancy gave a small smile "Night Hank"

Sitting in the tub filled with warm water and bubbles Clancy looked up at the ceiling "why would the giant want me to visit him every night....and what if I don't go will he come and hunt me down?" The young woman questioned. As many thoughts ran through her head of different scenarios that could happen if she went or if she doesn't go.

Reaching over Clancy grabbed the wash cloth as she rubbed it down her left arm "I'll worry about when the time comes....right now I want to read my book and drink my while while I enjoy my bubble bath"  the young woman reached over, grabbed her red wine as she took a long sip.

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