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"Cliff my name is Clancy....and before you start I know it's a boys name...my parents really wanted a boy" the young woman looked down at her hands, waiting for the massive man to say some sort of remark about her name.

"I like that name....it fits you" Cliff said placing both of his hands beside her. Looking down at her he felt his heart tugging "you hungry? I can make you something to eat" Cliff said as he quickly shook the feeling away.

Bitting her lip Clancy looked at him with worry "I...don't know....if I should have your food or not....no offence" the young woman rubbed her neck as the massive man walked over to the kitchen.

"Don't worry the food has no human or anything...I promise" Cliff placed his hand on the doorframe while giving his little guest a reinsuring smile.

"You could be just saying that to calm me down" Clancy looked at him in disbelief. Cause all her life she was told never to listen to a monster....no matter what they say to you.

Dropping his head cliff ran a hand down his face "how about...you watch me cook than? That what you know if I add ya humans or not" cliff walked over to her. Once his shadow engulfs her tiny little body Cliff slowly got onto one knee like a man would do when he's about to ask the girl of his dreams to marry him.

"What do you say? You wanna watch and make sure I don't pull a fast one on you?" Cliff asked placing his right hand right in front of her.

Looking at the massive hand Clancy slowly slips herself off of her chair and right onto his hand "you...better not put me in your food" the young woman looked up at him.

"Well doll there's only one way to find out" Cliff placed his left hand  behind as he slowly stood up to his full height

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