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Wheeling herself around the house Clancy brushes her hand against the designs that's carved into the wood. Looking over to the window to see his massive eye looking in at her Clancy bit her lip as she slowly wheeled herself over.

"Not bad for a giant....you are very talented" Clancy slowly pushes open the window. Looking down at her hands Clancy closed her eyes tightly, thinking about her ex fiancé. Remembering all the adventures they were post to go on...but that's never going to happen now.

Brushing the thoughts out of her head Clancy looked at the massive man "what else are you going to do with the house?" Clancy tilted her head to the side.

"I was thinking painting the walls next....and then making some furniture for it" Cliff scratches the stubbles on his face.

"But that will come later maybe in a few weeks I'll get around to finishing up this doll house...but for now I just wanna relax" Cliff stopped up to his full height.

Looking up to see him looking down at her Clancy's face went a little bit red. "Relax...what kind of relaxing do you do....besides eating humans" Clancy rubbed the back of her neck.

"Well eating humans is really fun and relaxing....especially hearing them scream and struggling down the throat" Cliff chuckles mostly to himself.

"But no...I usually watch movies...and some tv for my relaxing time" Cliff slowly placing his hand into the doll house.

"I usually read...and draw for my relaxing time...don't really watch tv the much" Clancy slowly pulled herself onto his hand. Once getting settled she quickly grabbed a hold of his thumb.

"What do you usually watch? When you're watching tv or movies ?"

"Wood shows or Harry Potter" cliff shrugged

"Never seen Harry Potter if I have to be honest here" Clancy rubbed her cold arm

"Well....now we have to watch it"

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