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Walking into his home the massive man glanced at her "well here it is...it's not much but it's perfect for one" he said closing the door behind him.

"It's nice....and it's cozy witch I like...you did a good job giant" Clancy patted his neck with her hand. Trying to brake the ice the have with each other, cause if she's going to be staying here for god knows how long she wants to get know this man.

"So...giant I'm pretty sure you don't want me calling you that....what do you want me to call you?"

Puckering his lips out a sly smile came onto his face "the name master sounds pretty good...what do you think hmm?" The massive man asked, scooping the small woman up off his shoulder and dangles her in front of his face.

Swimming back in forth Clancy bit her lip as she looked him in the eye. "Man...he sure has nice eyes" she said to herself, but when she heard the words master leave his lips, Clancy quickly shook her head back into reality.

"I am not calling you master...I may be scared of you even petrified....but that's where I cross the line" she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm just messing with you" the man whispers as he carefully placed the small girl down onto the table. Carefully pulling the wheel chair out of his pocket, gently placing it down beside her.

Pulling herself onto her wheel chair Clancy looked up at him with her brown eyes. "Thank you...for bringing it with you...means a lot...so thank you"

"Don't mention it doesn't take up lot of space anyways so...why not bring it...besides if you're going work for me you're going to be needing it" the man shrugged.

"If I'm going to be working for you....should I know your name? I think it's only fair don't you?" Clancy asked wheeling over the edge of the table.

Watching the young woman wheeling over to the edge of the table, the massive man slowly lowers himself down so he could be eye level.


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