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Sitting across from her fiancé Clancy looked down at the food "I could've died today....I could've been the giants lunch" she looked up hoping to see some sort of reaction on his face. Seeing no explanation on his face the young woman's heart sank, "so you don't care if I was eating?"

"Your alive aren't ya? So why should I worry?" Hank looked at her with a smug look on his face while shoving a fork full of mash potatoes into his mouth. Making a loud gulping nose, hank pushes the plate across the table.

"What's wrong it?

"It's cold....should've been cooked a little longer" the young man leaned back in his chair with disgust writing all over his face. Slamming his hand onto the table, hank slowly pushed himself up "well I'm heading to the bar...don't wait up for me" he said walking over to the back door.

"Aren't you going to come kiss me goodbye?" Clancy slowly turned herself around so she could look at her man. Watching him opened the door and headed out without saying another word Clancy looked down at her hands in defeat.

Closing the door the tears began to fall like Niagara Falls "I need to get out of the house for a bit...and clear my head" Clancy ran her hand down her face. Rolling herself over to her purse Clancy quickly pulled her out her phone "okay it's 6pm I should be home way before he doe" Clancy quickly placed her phone back into her purse while taking it off of the door knob.

Swinging the purse over her shoulder Clancy quickly wheeled herself out the door. Carefully heading down the drive way she gave the house once last glance. "Please god...let me be home before he gets back" the young woman looked up to the heaves above.
Sitting in the park watching a towns play their jam, Clancy slowly pulled out her sketch book quietly drawing the band.

Busy drawing every detail of the stage and the members of the band, Clancy didn't realize the ground started to shake violently.

As the shakes started to get more intense the people around her to started to panic "the giant is coming!" The small crowed yelled as the took off running.

Watching the blur of people running past her Clancy looked around to see where the giant could possibly be "I don't see him" the young girl whispers with a hint of panic in her voice.

Quickly pulling her self onto her chair Clancy quickly threw her purse over her wheel chair. Quickly trying to move her wheels her eyes filled with horror when she realizes she's not going anywhere soon.

Watching the giant walking out into the open her eyes went wide "nononono" the young young panicked as she watches the massive man scooped up a young couple and dropping them into his mouth.

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